Review of a new tablet soon!
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XP-Pen sent me their new Artist Pro 16 (Gen2): they were curious if I could get it to work under Gnu/Linux without their proprietary driver.
Result: after a long evening of trial and error, tweaking Digimend/X11/xsetwacom, almost everything works now. 🎉
Of course, the deal is that if it works, I have to document it like I did with the Artist 24 Pro. So expect it soon™.
Btw, this one will stay on my desk: I had a serious crush on it while testing: super low latency & low parallax. 😍
It also looks like it's just the right size!
@halla Yes, it is. And I'm super impressed with it. Easily the best tablet I ever had. But I spent so far only 3h drawing with it. :blobwhistle: So maybe the ugly things will come later.
It's thin like an Intuos Pro Large, same size, and with a QuadHD 16:10 (so 2560x1600px). And the colorspace is large. This thing easily display real AdobeRGB. I feel they really listened to many reviews before doing this one. So many things "done right" at a first impression.
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I might be ordering one... Even though I have a huge and very capable cintiq. (Which colonizes my painting table, which is not good...)
Wow, you're way more hardcore tweaker than I ever managed :)
@jimmac 😆 😆 😆 Haha, I realise that too. I'm taking a dangerous path. If I continue on the same path, you'll find me in a couple of years proposing MR for the kernel and libinput.😅
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On a related note: Wayland colour management is coming to KDE Plasma!
@odoben Oh yes, I'm following that commit after commit and each step on the review. :blobaww: I'm like super excited to get a Wayland workflow that works, and at the same time their is still a many area where I have no idea how −for example− I could make a tablet like this one functional under Wayland. No more xsetwacom/X11 for the input but only libinput; it feels I have to relearn how to make things from scratch, and I'm not even sure it is possible without compiling and coding.
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@odoben it is really coming up nicely. Hope the momentum stays the same. Right now there is no support for gamuts outside of sRGB though. So this tablet will not be used optimally on Wayland yet.
@raghukamath @odoben Oh yes, I think it will take years before getting a correct canvas pass-through for creative apps and images viewers...
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@raghukamath @odoben I can’t help but think that Krita is a bit of a flagship product for KDE, so it would be very nice to get things like tablets to run smooth “out of the box” so to speak.
I don’t know anything about the architecture, but it sounds like there’s a fair bit of work needed. Hopefully it can get done.
(I’m no artists, but I’m very happy Krita exists. Use it on multiple platforms.)
@breadbin I totally agree. But I also have a big bias about digital painting. 😉
@raghukamath @odoben
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@raghukamath @odoben You certainly do:) But that’s ok because of all the work you do!
I’ve heard that KDELive isn’t bad either. I think it would make sense to focus on creative. Including being able to hook things up such as cameras etc.
There is currently no tool that I know of to configure my little Wacom under Wayland on Ubuntu. I used to use xsetwacom of course, so I asked the Debian developer of xsetwacom, but he knew of no such program under Wayland. So I switched back to XOrg. Programming it myself is not possible!
@cliffp True. The Wayland architecture decision to put all the responsability of device configuration in the hand of each D.E. is , from my POV a big mistake. At least, xsetwacom was D.E. agnostic...
They're going the exact opposite route compared to Xorg, where one display server had to support every possible use case, which made it difficult to maintain. I do agree that they overdid the minimalism with Wayland but from a protocol developer's point of view it makes sense.
@odoben True. I know I'll intensify my report and beta-test to give feedback about what is missing on Wayland (tablet side, KDE Plasma) before Wayland become the main solution on Fedora 40. I'm really motivated to be able to use it; it's interesting on a technology point of view and security point of view.
Sounds interesting to read in a blog post soon :)
Lucky you
nicely done!
now I am curious to see how this worked out.
★Especially what does not work after the long evening. Did you test it with the drivers too?
@TadayoshiFirefox I didn't test their driver, I have a clear idea of what and how it should work without it.
The things not working are:
- customisation of the top button of the stylus: it's a switch to "eraser device" as for AES stylus (Lenovo) or Ms Surface. I have a workaround, but it's not super elegant.
- Some buttons of the wireless numpad device are also requiring a bit of adaptation and constrained to not be customisable to all the keys possible.
So, it's minor. 🙂
nice to see wacom having some competition.
@davidak Yes, first time I see the competition outrun them in terms of quality and perf.I hope XpPen will not dramatically increase their pricing if they keep up with this quality.
you should put up an affiliate link to buy it. I'm always looking for such devices that work with Linux!
@euneuber Thanks, I'll ask them if they have a coupon or promo code when I'll release the blog post + video. If it can save a little 5 or 10% 🙂
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what is this 👀👀👀
🖼️ originaldavidrevoy
@jkbecker It's part of the tablet packaging: it's a wireless remote. It has its own USB dongle, but can connect via bluetooth too.
It's more like a numeric keypad. evtest catches it, so it's possible to customise it with a /etc/udev/hwdb.d/ rule as I described in .
But it is a gadget; a good access to a full keyboard or a real numeric keypad customised might bring more possibilities of keys. I was describing the default layout an hour ago:
i could use something like that for my current workflow
can you but the device on its own somewhere?
@fluffy @jkbecker Yes, on XpPen website:
★Product description:
Shopping page:
Seeing companies actively trying to encourage OSS support like this is fantastic.
@tursiae I agree! 👍
Have fun!
cat! 😻
well that was great timing… I was about to buy an external USB C monitor. But one that I can also use as a tablet for $100 more? Can’t pass that up. Thanks!
You ought to put up a link for affiliates to buy it. Any such devices that are compatible with Linux are always welcome in my home!
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