Large exhibition in Plérin, France.
Last June, during the Saint-Brieuc signing session, the director of "Bulles à Croquer" festival proposed a big and amazing project: a Pepper&Carrot exhibition on the scale of a supermarket for the fall 2023. Of course I accepted!
So over the last monthes, the Bulles à Croquer comic festival and E. Leclerc Plérin teamed up to create a very large exhibition. I could hardly believe it at first 😅 and I quickly felt a bit overwhelmed by the size of the exhibition. Not by the amount of work: Bulles à Croquer almost handled everything on their own, but it felt a bit surreal to get many of my artworks printed in big dedicated exhibition. 😇
The exhibition starts today and there are a large number of giant prints of Pepper&Carrot (illustrations and comic pages) that were made to decorate the hall of the supermarket (dozens of illustrations and comic pages). The exhibition aims to immerse visitors in the world of Pepper & Carrot and my illustrations.
I only have two photo samples right now done during the preparation, but I'll try to take more when I visit on start November. It's about 700km from my home, so I haven't visited it yet.
Update : I have received new photos from the ongoing exhibition! It's a total of 70 huge prints that have been displayed in the supermarket. 🤩 I made a montage to share them with you:
The cover of the third comic book, a large print on the floor.
Montage of the artworks on pillar (click to enlarge).
Various places (click to enlarge).
Comic pages, and the info at entrance. (click to enlarge).
About my participation to the exhibition, many illustrations required quality upgrades to the source files and some remakes. For example, check out the new A2 size high quality of "Powerfull", a 7000px large upscale done without AI for the upscaling; but with GMIC upscaling filters and manual overpainting. This will be printed and sold at the event, a high quality numbered print.
All my updates were merged in the gallery with their sources, so it will benefit future projects as well.
- From today until 11 November 2023: The exhibition.
- Saturday 28 October: a potion magic contest for kids (8 to 12y/o), by chief Jean-Jacques Monfort, restaurant Brut.
- Friday 3 November: I'll be around for a drawing workshop and digital painting demonstration.
- Saturday 4 November: I'll be also there for a book signing session.
The event is free and organised by Bulles à croquer, but a registration is necessary for the activities, please register at
E. Leclerc
Zac du Plateau, 2, rue du Grand Quartier
22190 Plérin
(PS: poster and big map under to locate roughly Plérin in France).
I have received new photos from the ongoing exhibition! It's a total of 70 huge prints that have been displayed in the supermarket. :blobaww: I made a montage to share them with you:
Wow, that's amazing! Well deserved! :)
that's big, give it a few years and you will be at the olympics or something...
Hmm, a 16 hour train ride... Maybe a bit too long to justify by looking at some cool art. Sounds awesome, though!
@lucas Thanks! Oh yes, I wouldn't recommend a long travel like that to see the exhibition; maybe it worth a 1h30 car travel, but not more. I hope it will give ideas to more events; the Creative Commons license of the artworks allow them to do that and it also protect them from copyright infringements (the printed version in France starts to be more popular in the comic bubble afaik than the webcomic version).
4 ★
@lucas If you'd ever plan one in (or near) Strasbourg, I'd gladly come (as well as many people living in Germany) 😊
Oh my, this is so cool!
ouahou, la classe 😍
oh wow, the scale of the prints! Congrats!
Today a supermarket, tomorrow the Louvre!
C'est trop la classe :blobaww:
Ça me fait super plaisir de voir littéralement une "Place Pepper et Chaosah" avec ton dessin comme un pavement sur le sol.
Mes félicitations, c'est complètement mérité.
Bravo à toi.
so cool!
Congrats! That must be so exciting 😃 - have fun in Plérin!
Ça donne envie de faire un détour rien que pour venir la voir !
Congratulations! This is well deserved!
joli travail!
You've made it big time! :D
Very very cool :)
That's great David !
Wow, many congratulations! 🤩👏 This is wonderful and well deserved. Glad to see your art displayed to more people like this ❤️
Congratulations! Must be stunning to see the big prints.
That's wild, congrats! 😮 It must be surreal to see your own artworks in that GINORMOUS size, on the floor and on a banner!
that is awesome and simply amazing!
I want to get in that little red car and drive around Pepper and Carot Land!
oooh! I love it! ❤️
if it were reachable with the 49 euro ticket, we'd go there, just to see it, too bad it's in france
@daughterofrao Thanks and no worry; even within France itself, it's a bit difficult to reach this destination (it's a mall, so a bit outside of the city; and taking a train to the nearest train station is still far away). It was designed as a local event for the customer of the supermarket and as a cultural attraction to the surrounding.
2 ★
Your art is making this supermarket look SO COOL. I wish I could go there. Congratulations on such an awesome exhibition :D
2 ★davidrevoy
@Vidyala Thanks!
Congratulations! 🎉 Gorgeous pictures! 💛 💗 ❤️
Looking good, David.
Magnifique! Those are looking pretty great! People who went into supermarket to buy food might find it a surprise for themself!
that is pretty awesome! And well deserved!
That's amazing!
a) congrats b) i really hope you got paid for that.
@masukomi Thanks! Yes, I'll receive a flat fee that was part of the budget of the event. The workshop, the digital painting demo will be also paid, and all my travel and accomodation as well. This association does the things well, I saw that when I joined their comic event in Saint-Brieuc last June.
why don’t OUR supermarkets have amazing fantasy art displays!? That’s so cool. Congrats on such a vibrant show.
@etchlings Thanks! And I agree, I want to see more exhibition like that in place with a lot of visitors 🙂
Bravo, vraiment magnifique, vous méritez ces honneurs!
@nunux Merci!
This is fascinating. I've never seen an art exhibition in a supermarket! That's definitely one way to get people to come and stay longer.
@publius Yes, first time I see this as well. I'm really happy that my art will get seen by many eyes not usually exposed to my artworks.
Epoustouflant !
La question à 100 balles, qu'est-ce qu'ils font de tous ces affichages en fin de campagne ? Tu les récupères ? :o
2 ★Aznorth
Ça donne envie d’aller leur piquer 😇
2 ★
@Aznorth @zekounet Merci, alors j'en ai encore aucune idée. Je vais savoir ça en allant visiter la galerie en fin de semaine prochaine.
Je spécule qu'une partie des bâches doit être réutilisable (réimprimable?) ou bien que l'expo pourrai être réutilisé dans un autre contexte. (eg. le festival de BD de la ville en Juin). En tout cas, si jamais il y a des choses à récuperer, j'en informerai tout de suite mes reseaux avant que ça n'aille à la poubelle.
3 ★
Eh ben ça, c'est vraiment trop la classe !! 😮
@Sandymoon2974 😍 Merci
sadly i can't go, i don't have money, and i don't know french
@Ray_Of_Sunlight I hope one day I'll be invited to an exhibition closer to your area. No idea where it is, but sometime life and opportunities being super random it might make the trick. 🙂
Uh....i'm in chile, and i don't think people know pepper and carrot over here
@Ray_Of_Sunlight Right. No Pepper&Carrot community in Chile as far as I know, and certainly not active enough to make an exhibition. Maybe with time 🙂
Yeah, neededless to say, i smoked(not literally) the entire comic in 1 or 2 days, now i got pepper cancer xD
<3 <3 <3 merci Bulles à croquer. Et après ils font un tournée nationale? :)
@valvin 😆 haha.
★Non, sérieusement, si ils m'annoncent que l'expo est en fait itinérante je serai :blobaww:
ça donne envie d’aller au supermarché. tes illustrations rendent vraiment bien
@kinou Coucou et merci Kinou! 💜
Connaissant un tout petit peu comment ça se passe après les conventions, je me demande :
tu sais ce que deviendront ces toiles ?
Parce que les gros éditeurs jettent massivement, mais là ce serait quand même super dommage.
Oui, ce pouet est carrément intéressé 😁
Et bonne convention à toi surtout ! Je te souhaite plein de belles rencontres !
3 ★Monolecte
C’est vrai que j’ai un mur énorme…
2 ★davidrevoy
@Monolecte @nartagnan Alors je ne sais pas, mais je demanderai fin de la semaine prochaine. Si jamais j'entends que des choses seront jeté, je rellaierai l'info sur mes reseaux avant que ça soit fait. 🙂
3 ★Monolecte
Ce serait honteux !
Et prend des sous dessus… quand même !
Oui, woui, tout pareil.
★En plus, je connais des bibliothécaires qui seraient intéresséEs 😉
Très impressionnant 😍.
C'est magnifique David 🤩🤩
★C'est clair !
On rêverait de récupérer quelques illustrations à la fin de l'écho pour l'établissement ou la classe mais c'est bien trop loin de Lyon !
This is now the coolest supermarket. :artaww:
You should be very proud of what you've accomplished! You will always have our support!
Thanks! Oh yes, I'm really proud, but I'm mostly thankfull of the honor that "Bulles à Croquer" (the org of the event) did to my artwork, and this totally remotely. It was done with a lot of care and the preparation took months for them. I'm so thankfull for their respect to the original material. All the crop are tastefull, the color looks correctly saturated and without weird balance. Very cool 🤩
Félicitations pour ton art et ton éthique :), comme quoi art libre ne veux pas forcément dire que ça reste confidentiel sur internet.
@ogueki Merci! Oui, bien vrai. Le fait que mon éditeur en France n'est aucune redevance à prélever sur cette expo grace à la dispo des oeuvre en Creative Commons a été à mon avantage et à permis à l'équipe de bouger plus vite que si il avait fallu negocier avec l'éditeur.
C'est super :) j'aimerai aussi de mon côté publier en license libre "ma" musique, le problème c'est qu'il faut que tous les membres du groupe soit d'accord, pas évident à plusieurs..
@ogueki Ha oui, là ça doit être compliqué, bon courage dans cette quête!
That looks awesome David! 👏🏼 That supermarket feels magical now!! 🙌🏼 ✨ 😁
What happens to these big prints after the exhibition?
@kaspi No idea yet, I'll ask next week when I'll visit. I'm also curious about it.
Oooooh ! J'avais déjà vu tes œuvres au Leclerc Culturel de Plérin. C'est la classe ❤️.
2 ★davidrevoy
@Yahiko Ha oui, je me souviens! l'expo à bien grandie depuis Juin 😺
Je viens d'aller manger à la brasserie à l'entrée du magasin, j'ai vu quelques trucs.
2 ★C'est trop chouette 😍.
@Yahiko :blobaww: Trop bien! Merci pour le retour. J'ai hâte de me rendre sur place fin de semaine prochaine.
Un peu de poésie chez Michel-Edouard 🤩
Ca doit faire quelque chose de voir tes oeuvres en tout grand.
@marctapages Ha oui, ça fait franchement quelquechose. Ca me chamboule un peu. Je vais essayer de ne pas trop enfler des chevilles ou de la tête.
★ Oh my God it's so cool!
@oceane Merci 😊
j’ai passé deux nuits dans une caravane avec un pneu crevé au parking là en août - je suis voulu que votre exposition était en cours pendant l’été
Bonne chance
@ks_mikey Du coup, avec la tempête qui vient d'annuler hier tous mes trains et m'empêche d'y aller, idem: j'aurai préféré l'été. 😅
Ca a du être une sacrée galère ce pneu crevé en plein été...
mais l’été cette année était tempétueux - à la côte trégorroise où se trouve le camping je visite chaque année, il y avait deux tempêtes nommées dans une semaine (Patricia et Anthony)
@ks_mikey Ha ok, ça aurait pas été mieux. Ceci dit, l'équipe vient de me trouver un train qui va jusque Rennes, et de là je vais pouvoir rejoindre l'expo et le Leclerc Plérin pour ce week-end. Je vais gouter à ce que c'est qu'une tempête Bretonne :)
prenez soin de vous
La Bretagne - je l’aime bien, même la pluie et le vent
Et bonne chance avec l’expo - je m’excuse pour la manquer
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