cat=$((cat+1)) 😺
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I'm back from the vet this morning with an official adoption for Geuloush. He is a fully-grown male cat who has probably been abandoned by his former owners in the summer. 😡
We put notices around our house in search of them, but failed to get any feedback. The poor thing was starving and in bad shape. After a month of care, he is now loving and healthy. 💜 He'll be neutered soon. He is an exact copy of Miolek our number 3 , the photo above shows that very well.
Note: I had a lot of fun making the search notice I printed in the neighbourhood. I wanted a "Ms Publisher from the late 90s" look, with "Comic Sans" font, curvy shaded title art and gradient, dotted frame, a clipart, bad use of all caps, red colour, etc.... With a bad printer, the result was a work of art. 😆
they are so adorable!
@maloki 🤬 why do humans do that to cats 😿 thank Bastet you were able to help him!
what handsome fellas they both are! <3
oh les beaux chatons 😻
📎 0e6e563c8455e335.mp4
@whattheceej 😬 Oh no. Poor thing! 😆
2 ★The surgery (expensive, unfortunately) will protect him; young 'whole male' cats are problematic in the city, for others and for themselves: they spread sexual diseases, fight and mark their territories (and get more scratches, sometimes loose ears, eyes, etc...) and make wild stray kittens. They rarely live more than 3 years.
The vet estimated this one to be 3 years old, in very good health. Rare to find a male like this. He'll be also tested for AID.
but cat=$((cat+1)) without defining cat=3 yields cat=1 🤔. On the other side, congrats! 🐱 😍
@justin Right! 👍
~ »»» cat=3
~ »»» cat=$((cat+1))
~ »»» echo $cat
2 ★
got help from Clippy?
@mmu_man 🤣 🤣 🤣 That would have been the full experience.
I wonder now if someone had the audacity to fill a 'wish list' on LibreOffice tracker for a Clippy alternative. :troll:
(and I wonder if this person will be me 🙈 )
8 ★
❤️ "full of scratch" ❤️
The one true way of posting notices. ★
aww, congratulations for the adoption! I hope your kitties are going to get along well :)
now do one on perforated line feed dot-matrix printer paper in Printshop banner style FTW!
ASCII art on a perforated line printer (directly connected to the keyboard, no monitor) was my favorite 'game' when my dad kept me at his work in the 80s. The tip of the printer was like a sting, very noisy, each characters felt engraved, in a sort of light-grey monospace courrier font. That was glorious.
4 ★
we acquired a new cat recently under similar circumstances...
pretty sure our miss Lois is pregnant tho x.x
@kate 😮 Oh wow. I hope you'll find owners for the future kittens.
same! It was a surprise but, oops, we fell in love with her
🖼️ originaldavidrevoy
Oh wow, what a beauty! 😍
Thank you for doing that too!
The amount of abandonned pets (in France) boomed and was estimated 60 000 this summer, vet said. She told me ID of cat was now legally an obligation, and to abandon can be punished up to 2 years of prison and 30 000€.
honestly, there's so much data about the impact of feral cats on local ecosystems... doesn't seem like a bad idea. Aside from, I am extremely tender hearted and seeing abandoned companion animals makes me Sad.
★ :neocat_lul: you nailed the 90s ms publisher look there
"Is anyone missing Missy?"
@pelicangut 🤣
@pepper1700 👍 shorter and better syntax!
happy for Geulosh 💖 awesome!
:ablobcatattentionreverse: :blobcatflower:
If it was possible, I'll adopt all homeless cats :blob_cat_heart:
But my apartment is already too small for my @maou and as he frequently have buddies Ohana&Pruneau or Mojo&Obélix with us during vacation...
Geuloush looks happy now in his new familly :blobcathappy:
@grum999 @maou Same! I hope I'll not have more, but I can't resist when one sleep outside in my garden and looks bad. If it continues, I'll have to build a little wooden garden house or officialy start a shelter. 😅
Aww !
(Pas de puce ou de tatouage ?)
Est-ce que Geuloush parce qu'il louche ou parce qu'il gueule quand il miaule ? 😁
@Petit_Lutin Non, pas de puces, pas de stérélisation 😔 , la véto m'a dit ce matin que ses maîtres, si il en avait, ne lui voulait pas du bien ou alors avaient vraiment des priorités financières assez discutable. Elle était contente qu'on l'adopte...
Geuloush par ce qu'il nous engeulait pour avoir sa coupelle au matin, quel débit de long miaulement! Donc, on l'a surnomé comme ça, et c'est resté. Il a fait une démo chez la véto qui a trouvé ça pour le coup assez bien trouvé. 😅 Super calin. 💜
@Petit_Lutin (bon, aussi, sacré pétomane mais on se dit que c'est parcequ'il a pas encore l'habitude d'une alimentation riche et qu'il se gave. Mais ... wow. Faut ventiler quand il s'y met. 😆 )
Je pensais "puce" comme "numéro d'identification", mais si ses maîtres ne voulaient pas de lui, ça n'aurait pas changé grand chose...
Tant mieux qu'il n'ait pas de maladie, et super s'il est câlin :blobaww:
Maliki avait (a ?) Gueulard, et toi tu as Geuloush :neko_nyaan:
Geuloush le pétomane 🤣
@Petit_Lutin 🤣 Haha, je savais pas et j'avais pas vue ce strip. Merci de me montrer ça. Ben oui, situation un peu idem. Sauf que Geuloush, c'est pas vraiment le volume tant que ça, mais le débit. Roucoulement et miaulement en te regardant bien dans les yeux, il te passe une réelle engeulade. 😆
Oui, la puce d'identification, c'est ce qu'il a eu ce matin pour entrer dans la chattière électronique et avoir accès a l'intérieur comme les autres, a son bon vouloir.
Maladie: test du Sida dans 10j
Haha :neko_xd:
Hé bien j'espère qu'il n'aura rien...
Tabbies are the best! How could anyone abandon a pretty kitty like that? Very good of you to take him, with three other cats already there. Is everyone getting along?
@searchparty Thanks! Yes, no idea how this one could be abandoned, because he looks so well domisticated (he is the type of cat to jump on knees, or roll on the feets to show belly, and has a hunger for cuddle).
2 ★My three others started to let him exist around. Distance of 40cm is ok, they don't cuddle or sleep together. If they contact, they start to growl at him. Sometime a paw just hit without claws, he is not yet super adopted, but no drama. I hope this will improve.
Awww, happy he found a good home, welcome Geulosh! 😻
I do feel like we deserve a family portrait with all four, now 🤔
You know, to mark the occasion.
Adopted one that appeared in my house. Nice cat. Very lovely and He is a gentleman. 😀
🖼️ 2ca555fea60cc3f7.pngdavidrevoy
@jcbritobr 👍 Majestic eyes!
soooo cute!!!
★(I'm the staff of a green eyed tabby, too!)
Congratulations on the your owner!
Is Goulash a common name for a cat over there?
@sybren Thanks Sybren! No, Geuloush is unique. It's composed of "gueuler" a verb to scream , to yell in French. And the -uś Polish suffix , a cute diminitutive.
3 ★ , So, "Gueuluś" or "Geuloush (easier orthography for the vet)"; → "the cute yeller" in a way. 🙂
hah, little screamer, I like it :)
Maybe it's because it is a #standardIssueCat .
@Zekovski Oh my.... I just read , and it is exactly that syndrome. My #2 is also a StandardIssueCat (SIC). I now have to make a photo of the three SIC together. Thanks for the discovery, I sent it to my wife and we had a good laught. Good to see it is a common phoenomena. ☺️
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