Visual developments for Episode 39
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Visual developments for the next episode of Pepper&Carrot.
Visual developments for the next episode of Pepper&Carrot.
these look incredible!
J'ai hâte :amaze:
I love these :) absolutely amazing!
wow — awesome!
Wait, what?
Like, there is animation or something? Seriously, if these where like in some darn animation episode, I watch the crud out of it. Giving me darn Wakfu vibes. Which ain't a bad thing imo.
@ithanul 😺 Thanks, it's only to prepare the coloring mood of the next webcomic episode, not for animation or movie.
★So far, 3 or 4 independent teams contacted me to make an animated series, but each time we have first meeting then they vanish. Hard for them to find budget or producer I guess. Maybe they keep the project as a possible portfolio for their own meeting with producers.
Looking good, David.
"Not detailed"? Maybe not so much as your other work, but you could get lost in that first painting all the same. It's immediately my favorite of the bunch, despite the others also being excellent. It's just so warm and inviting.
@linebyline Thanks!
amazing work!
@lisamelton stunning.
Such lovely composition! 🖼️👌🏼
Man, even your sketches are amazing. I can't wait for the next one.
@UncleJosh 😍 Thanks!
En dimensions réduites, on dirait que ce sont des dessins déjà finis.
Ces illustrations sont vraiment trop classes ! 😮
@Sandymoon2974 Merci !
Ça c'est de l'arbre à chat :neko_smiley:
★Je sens que cet épisode va encore être chargé d'émotions, comme si Pepper prenait conscience de nouvelles choses, qu'elle gagnait peut-être encore en maturité... :shibathinking:
@Petit_Lutin Merci ! Tu vises vraiment juste. 😺 🎯
I don't speak English
This chapter is going to be a flashback?, because in one of the panels is like Komona elevating to the sky (or maybe falling from then,is difficult to tell) and also the character with the dragons is maybe Wasabi? but those dragons looks more bigger than Ah usual dragons.
@jaldmic hey, your guessing is correct 😉 yes, next episode will contain revealing about the backstory.
can’t wait! :blobaww:
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