Peertube Avatar Generator
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I made a new avatar generator for Peertube mascot squid-like characters.
You can play with it here:
It's a personal contribution to the Peertube-plugin-livechat (WIP, link to the plugin on the generator page).
Génial !
@John_Livingston 😊 Merci !
@David Revoy Those were super nice! Awesome work!
Ooooh! Nice! 😍
That should work really well on the chat! Thank you for contributing it to FOSS 🙏
ouaf, ça ne peut pass être un hasard, a trafiqué son générateur soi-disant aléatoire :P
🖼️ 19cc6e3ee86cfd9d.png 9 ★davidrevoy
@goofy @Pouhiou 🤣 🤣 🤣
3 ★Pouhiou
@goofy Non mais mais non mais non mais j'avais pas vuuuuu ! J'avais mis un "p" majuscule (quelle idée aussi, moi qui ait une visio ballistique de l'usages des majuscules :p!), mais cette image là elle est juste parfaite !
2 ★
2 ★Je confirme ! Curieusement le mien a une manette de console de jeu vidéo dans les bras 🤣 !
nice! and it even keeps the same squid for the same name.
The only minor problem is that hats and such sometimes don't work with the head shape, but I don't see how that could be solved without excessive work (making assets for each type of head) or just removing headwear entirely. :blobCat_shrug: a bit of jank is ok I think.
actually, maybe programmatically stretching headwear based on how wide the head is might look better. You'd still have to do a lot of work for that though; defining which headwear has to be stretched where, and stuff.
@riedler Thanks! I usually just work with a wireframe top layer on my stack to manage point of contact and limit to not cross.
If you find a problematic DNA number or string, thank you if you can report, I'll continue to adjust it (it's WIP).
3 ★
skipping over the fact that "colonel maize" is absolutely cute~
"bonk" - the hat seems glued on. Maybe cut off the top of the head so it looks more "inside" of the hat?
that's it actually. Maybe my browser history is being weird, I could've sworn there was a second one.
@riedler Thank you for reporting "bonk", a good test case. 👍
4 ★davidrevoy
@riedler 🔧 Fixed! Thank you again for the report.
2 ★
thank u! ^^ and no problem
Espérons que celui-ci ne sera pas détourné pour en faire des NFT.
I just love the fact that most of the Fedi softwares have animals as mascots ❤️ ★
this is incredible! Love your wonderful mix of art and code 🤩
Fhtagn !
They are so cute! I should get back to trying to stream so people can use these in the chat.
(And why are both generated ones so perfect?!)
🖼️ original 🖼️ original ★davidrevoy
@Lyrilith 😍 Thanks! Randomness is really accurate this time. Cute ones!
🖼️ original ★Merci beaucoup David ! :merci:
Tube Khernl à enfin sa propre mascotte !
@AntoineD Oh mais quelle bonne idée de l'utiliser pour des logos d'instances. Jolie mix pour cette mascotte. 👍
3 ★
Ça serait une chouette évolution pour le (vieux) plugin simple logo !
Adorables, comme d'habitude :shibahearteyes:
★Bravo et merci !
@Petit_Lutin Merci !
those are great — thank you!
@ArneBab 😊
A-do-rable :)
@aral ☺️ Thanks!
It looks amazing!! I tried my name and got the cutest squid :D
🖼️ original ★davidrevoy
@Anna Thank you.
★Wow! That's a cool combination of green 💚
très marrant, bien joué !
★Time for Peertube-NFTs ... na just kidding! Awesome work! 😃
I love them, thanks, hoping to see them soon on the plugin
These are so adorable!! *dies of cute*
Side note: Could alt-text for these be automatically generated? It might help for people who want to use alt-text in their bio avatar description.
🖼️ original 🖼️ original 🖼️ original 🖼️ originaldavidrevoy
@sphakos Thanks!
For generating an Alt-text, it would be doable, but complex and a long (and boring) task. It would need for sure to add text files to each of the 125 PNG sprites to describe them and then load them to make a sentence. It would take me days. And it is not something I'm ready to do in my free time.
The ZIP file on the footer of the avatar generator contains all the PHP I use to generate the squid, I'm open to external contributions in case someone really wants this feature. 👍
2 ★Chocobozzz
Tu nous régales à chacune de tes créations, merci beaucoup David <3
2 ★davidrevoy
@Chocobozzz 😍
👍 Peertube is so lucky to have you on board.
Oh my gosh my squid comes with a paint palette!
🖼️ original ★davidrevoy
@alecat Oh lucky you! 😍 I tried my own name and nicknames with all caps, etc... to see if I could get that, but no luck here. 😅
I don’t think anyone would begrudge you if you put together some of your preferred squid customisations :)
Oki oki, then I choose this one ☺️
Oh super, merci beaucoup ! Mon compte n'avait pas d'avatar, j'ai enfin pu lui paramétrer un Sepiavatar ! :fediverse:
(Oui, j'avoue, j'ai triché !) 😜
@flo Très cool! 👍
Haha here is mine
#MastoArt #ArtWithOpenSource
🖼️ original ★#peertube #avatar #generator
au cas où tu ne le saurais pas encore: tu es merveilleux!!
2 ★diarra
@bookynette oui nous l'aimons notre David :blobcatcoffee:
@diarra il sublime le web...
@bookynette @diarra
cats, squids, what’s next?
@yoyunix Mastodons! :blobcheerbounce:
I would love to see that 😂
@yoyunix If you make one set per system, then you will be busy for quite some time 😀 ★
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