License: "Episode 38: The Healer" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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link David Revoy Author,


Here is a new Pepper&Carrot episode after a long pause.

About this new story, I had too many "open doors" to close on the Pepper&Carrot series: Pepper's quest to find work, her "wanted" poster, her humiliations with spells not working as she wanted... She wasn't really taking decisions in regard to all of that. When at the end of the last episode Pepper got a big supply of 'Phoenix's tears' I thought it was the perfect opportunity for her to attempt a radical change.

This is something I also feel on my social bubble: the desire to leave everything and start anew (as you probably know, I left Twitter recently ). So I thought it could be cathartic to show a story where Pepper actually does that −leaving everything− without any compromise.

It was also fun to show Pepper resisting Cayenne and underline again how rebellious she is against authority. It was also a secret pleasure to draw Cayenne actually caring for Pepper even though she hides it.

This episode is also about the impostor syndrome, It's about new groups of "friends" welcoming you based on interest, and it's about family always reminding you of your roots. It's also announcing the way back home for Pepper after many episodes 'in the wild'.

I personally really needed to hear this final "Welcome back" from Cayenne at the end.
I hope you'll like it!

A big thanks to all of you for your continuous support, and for the wonderful team who help me with the proofreading of the speechbubbles, to solve the technical issues, and write new translations. Also thanks to all Free/Libre Software projects I used to make this new episode!

link Lil  

😂love it!

link Lucas Moreira  

Typical unlucky Pepper haha. Loved the episode!

link Vinay  

Gonna be honest here, this isn't my favorite episode but I think I feel somewhat the same way about it as you do. The scenic views are beautifully done and the story served the purpose you had in mind: free Pepper from the situation allow her to follow a different path. And don't get me wrong, that's very valid, definitely! Maybe it didn't help for me that I somewhat expected that Pepper would utilize the excess of tears to become a healer (as in my comment under your April 20th announcement).

Either way, don't consider this a negative comment. You've just created so many episodes which I love a bit more. The artwork is amazing and I'm super happy for Pepper that she's no longer supporting a violent mob who doesn't respect here (just like in Ep32). And that is definitely is a message worth spreading!

So thank you for this great episode and enjoy brainstorming about the new stories. Does Wasabi even continue with her evil plans or did Pepper spread so much love that her warriors no longer want to fight? Would Shichimi and Torreya flee from Wasabi and join Pepper in Chaosah and they exchange their magics? So yeah, this episode does make me happy. There are some great things that can happen now, I like that!

link dtschump  

Hello David.
Congratulations for this new episode!
Let me tell you that the drawing in the first panel is really outstanding. It's eye-catching and sets the mood right away.
More generally, I can really feel that the quality and the delicacy of your drawings keeps increasing, episode after episode. I can't imagine how long it takes you to achieve such a result.
It's really impressive, I have rarely read comics with such a fine drawing.



link Skull Insides Prisoner  

Pepper: I am sick of being laughed at and I'm not getting into this ever again!
David: Say no more

Nice work anyway. Hope you are doing fine!
(are these guys Brasic, Vinya and canid-name-unknown gonna be OK anyway...)

link Jane  

Love this episode, especially the artwork - the first panel of the landscape is pretty dazzling! I also like Pepper's new mysterious costume too. Too bad her new career don't last long though!

This is definitely worth waiting for, thank you!

link the canid's name is  


link Uncle Josh  

Well worth the wait. The artwork is incredible and inspiring.

link Cragthor  

This episode was so good. The art just makes the wait worth it. And pepper resisting cayenne but then going with her anyways is so relatable

link an0n  

Accordingly to comments, I am not only one, who was enjoyed with that towered bridge view. I'am curious, what filter you applied to retouch rendered image for the first panel? And I've had some fun with creatures design. Scorpio looks like wierd biomechanical thing. Second monster is so hilarious until it turns into a deathclaw. Unlucky adventurers have been gorged like as snaks in the end I guess. Hey, wait, is witches able to ride magic staves?!

link mlop  

Comme d'hab c'est trop beau. La première et la dernière case sont géniales, l'archi, la perspective, le point de vu plongeant sur la dernière ; et surtout la compo, on devine une pleine lune éblouissante dans un ciel dégagé qui vient se refléter sur les toits et la falaise. L'atmosphère est posée en une image, j'adore.
Coup de cœur pour la tenue et le bâton de Pepper aussi. On sent bien ce moment d'évasion un peu irréel avec l'archétype de l'équipe sortie d'un rpg, avec plein de persos différents et colorés qui partent torcher un donjon, et la réalité, Cayenne, toute grise et blafarde qui vient lui rappeler que la vraie vie est ennuyeuse et morne... Tristement inévitable.

link Levi  

Beautifully drawn episode as always, David! I always really look forward to your work, and I always really enjoy it. Keep up the amazing stuff! God bless, stay awesome!

link Dmytro Nosal'  

At the bridge:
— Whe had lost Healer! We cannot fight with it! Run! Run! RUN! RUAN!!
— How is Brasic?
— Again...

Also, it looks like after few years you will draw photorealistic comics.

P.S. "Eventually more students arrived and Chicory found herself spending every waking moment teaching students."
Where is all these students from Chaosah school?

link TappedOut  

Bunch of new sponsors, I don't recognize.

link oleo  

This was a pretty interesting episode! I liked how you used the 3D model of the backgrounds, it makes lots of sense, workflow-wise. (It would be hard and exhausting to draw the backgrounds manually, for fairly obvious reasons.)

It was also interesting because of the new characters introduced, the end of the "Pepper in the wild" arc, and how the phoenix tears were used. I kind of miss the "Pepper in the wild" episodes, though, but I understand your decision.

I was thinking that this comic would be harder to write, considering that the Ah-related subplot still hasn't exactly ended. Maybe one day. :)

link ~Meow~  

In re: Dmytro Nosal'

"Ah joined the fighting and immediately went after the witches of Chaosah. Ah systematically banished the Chaosah Demons and destroyed each witch of Chaosah in turn until only Cayenne, Thyme and Cumin remained."


"The Great Tree, unbalanced by the destruction of Chaosah spewed Rea throughout Hereva with such force that it blew one of the limbs off of the tree (which later became Kerberos). The resulting shock-wave of Rea from The Great Tree explosion disrupted the rupture long enough for it to seal."


"With Chaosah destroyed, the magic of Hereva was deteriorating rapidly. Ah enlisted Zombiah to revive what it could of Chaosah. Cumin was revived but that was not enough to restore balance. Reluctantly Thyme and Cayenne were revived and charged with finding a true heir to carry on the Chaosah school and train them. Chaosah was put under careful watch to ensure they were indeed training their school's heir."

From this page:

link Fairportfan  

What is Pepper riding in the final panel?

link Been waiting for so long!  

Damn she wasted all that phoenix tear. Might have used those in another episode or something... Worth the wait though.

Also, you still on Fedora 36? Have you ever considered upgrading to 38? Gnome 44 is great

link Galuskaa  

Hmm, I think it might have been a more interesting question if Pepper's team hadn't just immediately shown a complete lack of concern for her well-being, neatly providing her with zero reasons to stay with them. It sure is nice to see Cayenne again though!

link Anonymous  

I cannot imagine that Pepper just left the puddle of the priceless tears on the floor. It is highly irrational. Especially for a witch capable to fix her vials with magic and collect the substance back. Especially that it is likely she wanted to get her share of the treasure and that she has invested the considerable amount of the priceless tears into it. The treasure should be really worthy.

Also the party is of 4 characters. The reference to the classical games like D&D and Might&Magic understood.

link Andrew K  

This! I sat there just taking in the composition and lighting of that first panel for a few minutes before even proceeding on to the comic itself. That picture is gorgeous!

link jaldmic  

I don't speak English
Great episode with the typical twisted of the end,i just expect who this don't make more enemies for Peppert because she just have a lot(the knights of the battlefield,Wasabi and other minor characters like the monstrous fish of the summer special,the water tree dungeon guardians of the Book are greats,and i suppose who the Fenix don't like the form in who she obtain their tears,those assasins from the Coriander invention,the dragon from the end of the coronation,etc ),but will be interesting who those form a alliance for a episode or arc.

link Loa Ex Machina  

J'ai l'impression que le dessin c'est encore améliorée depuis le dernier épisode, et pourtant v'était déjà super beau dès le début ! En tout cas c'est toujours un plaisir de voir un nouvel épisode !

link Sandymoon  

Woooooow !!! Épisode après épisode cela devient de plus en plus épique et magnifique !
J'adore !
Bravo pour ce travail formidable !

link Greg  

Nice Episode! Although it feels like for a while now Carrot is a bit lout of the episodes :< He's there, but he doesn't do or affect much..

link Yvan  

Bonjour, super épisode !
Il y a une coquille : pas de "s" à "j'irai" dans "j'irai en rechercher si j'en ai plus", c'est bien un futur, ici.
SI + PRESENT, FUTUR : "j'irai en rechercher si j'en ai plus"
SI + IMPARFAIT, CONDITIONNEL: "j'irais en rechercher si j'en avais plus"

link William Mckee  

Healers get a hard time.

link Mark Munroe  

Poor Pepper, she can never catch a break. Cayenne, despite being an emotionless witch, does truly care about her ward, and she was right about one thing. Sooner or later, your so-called friends will abandon you once they find out what you truly are, or when your powers or wealth dry up.

I think the problem with Pepper is that she tries too hard and that also she always tries and seek the easy way out. I get it, she is tired of being a bad witch and want to do good and wants to rebel against bad authority, not to mention being creative. But in the end, she does not seem to learn from her mistakes and because of this, Pepper always falls back to square one.

It is about time Pepper takes a hard look at herself and make personal changes. Just a thought. Great chapter and I hope to read another.


link Midgard  

The staff she has been holding in all the panels before.

link Midgard  

Nice story and artwork, but I have mixed feelings because of Pepper leaving her party to very likely die for making fun of her, which is quite the overreaction, even for her!

link SerSelrachLlewlits  

I just discovered your page! I absolutely love the comic! The art is astounding!

link Eugene  

FINALLY new ep, keep up the good work! :)

link justinmraj_1984   - Reply

So eagerly waiting for the next episode..

link Carlos 🔻   - Reply

My kids are soooo big fans of Pepper & Carrot.
And so am I.
Waiting for the next episode :)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@cpereira Thank you!

(And sorry for the delay: I'm trying to manage a life going more and more complex in my sort of mid-life crisis. Hopefully, I took good decision and the refactoring I'm about to release publicly soon will set a new sane base for producing new episodes more often in 2025. )

link Carlos 🔻   - Reply

there is absolutely no problem.
What you do, will be an example for my kids, showing them that you can share and sell at the same time.
But for now, they are 4 and 7. They switch topics faster than they turn a page 🤣
Actually, I might be the one waiting the most for it but chuuuuut 🤣🤣🤣

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@cpereira 🙂 😃

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