Signing Session Agenda 2022

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Five signing session dates are coming soon, and I'll be happy to meet the Pepper&Carrot readers and draw something on your book! This year, I decided for the first time to accept many dates. Maybe a side effect after the year 2020 and 2021 with only online events. So, I'll be at:

Festival GeekFaeries 2022, in Selles-sur-Cher, this week-end (4 and 5 June), and I'll prepare my bag to travel tomorrow just after finishing this blog post. I'll have a table with hours but you can also catch me during the event. I always have something with me to draw. I'll have a presentation on Saturday 12h in the Pole Hacking, and a Tribute to Terry Pratchett on Saturday 20h00 with Pouhiou on the Mind Palace. I can't wait to be there!

Library A LIVR'OUVERT, in Paris, Friday 24 June, 16h to 19h. I'm really excited by this one, because this is where I already made two signing sessions in the past for the book 2 and for the book 3 and I keep good memories of it.

Rendez-Vous de la BD in Amiens, Saturday 25 June , probably in afternoon on a booth but not on Sunday as it might be written on the website because my train go back to home on Sunday morning. Amiens is a city where I lived during 1 year when I was 19 y/o, I'm really happy be invited on this event.

Library LES PETITS RUISSEAUX, in Toulouse, Sunday 3 July - 10h to 13h. I lived 10 years in Toulouse, and this big city of the south of France is very familiar to me. I hope to see many friends from the Libre community in Toulouse! ;-)

Library LE TRACTEUR SAVANT, SAINT-ANTONIN-NOBLE-VAL, 9 July - 16h to 18h30. UPDATE: The date changed, it will be on Sunday 10, 10h00 to 12h30. This is the library of one of the best looking small city around my home. Just check the photos on the Wikipedia page. This will be the perfect rendez-vous for my friends around the region of Montauban.

I hope I'll meet a lot of Pepper&Carrot readers!

License: "Signing Session Agenda 2022" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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