A workflow test on first panel of future episode 35; it's based on a approach using the Grisaille to Color workflow (b&w recolorized) and I'm doing more test to better understand how to use blending modes; the various Color HSV/HSL/HSY option of Krita and make my values more accurate for the scene I want to depict. I'll share all this research on future videos; but sooner than that; I have to keep working on sharing what I learned about previous episode inking and usage of colorize-mask. So, it might take time until I do a video about my observations on Grisaille-to-Color workflow in Krita. I have now a full episode to render this way. First step: all page will be in black&white (or slightly colored) for the beta. I'll keep sharing artworks and cropped part of pages along producing the episode.
License: "Flying Above the Clouds" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
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