Wasabi character design

While the printed book project is doing good progress, I started writing the next episode 34. It's not an easy scenario and it still require a lot of attention (but thanks to a solid proofread team, I'm also doing good progress here). The big outline of the scenario starts to appear: it will finally explore a bit more the land of Shichimi and her magic school. So, here is a screenshot while searching for how Wasabi −master of Shichimi− would look. It feels good to put back my hand on Krita after almost a full week of only pre-press work with Scribus/Imagemagick/Bash and writing in a world of Git/Markdown. I also adopted the new watercolor brushes made by Ramon Miranda built-in Krita 4.3.

License: "Wasabi character design" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
Tags:  #sketch   | Download: Markdown