Mypaint video-conference in Dakar, Senegal
This saturday I did a video-conference for the Linux Libre design event in Dakar Senegal organized by Dakarlug. I did a 1h talk and demo remotely from my home studio using Skype. Thanks to the great feature to share a part of my screen in Skype and continue my talks , I was able to paint live and commenting at the same time. ( if someone know a open-source alternative to speak/share screen/webcam multiplatform with a great bandwith, please inform me on the comments )
The talk started with a personnal presentation and was followed by a demo about the free and open source software Mypaint and some advanced functionnality of it. At the end, I shared a question/answer moment with the participant. And one of the question was about great tutorials link on the web for self-taught artist , and I promised to paste them on the blog , here they are. If you have more quality links, use the comments to share !
Thanks again to Genova the organisator of this event for the warm welcome, and all the participant !
- Mypaint tutorials
Professionnal Digital painting community :
( mainly tutorials with Corel Painter and Photoshop, but it doesn't matter since digital painting is about skill to draw and paint , workflow and steps...)
- CGtalk featured tutorials
- CGarena featured tutorials
- 3D total featured tutorials ( in tutorial>photoshop menu )
- Tdt3D 2D tutorials
- 3dvf 2D tutorials
and of course thousands of additionals videos to search inside on Video community like youtube , etc.... Youtube , with keywords about digital painting