Color Adjustements for digital-painting using Krita

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Color adjustement is one of my favorite step and it happens at the end of doing an artwork. In this video, I show my best recipes to fix my way Contrast, Color Balance and/or add some mood and art-direction to the artwork. It resulted in a long video, sorry about that; but I prefer to publish a 42min edited tutorial now than a 2h livestream where all this information are lost into longer pauses. I'll try to improve on the next videos!

Recorded and edited in April 2020 Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International: Attribution: David Revoy (Music: CC-0/Public Domain; "New Age B" by Frank Nora)

On screen: Krita 4.2.9appimage on Kubuntu 19.10 Video edited in Kdenlive 19.12.3appimage, recorded with O.B.S.