Chaos&Evolutions brushes
the splash screen of the brush kit, feel free to customize it
A screenshot featuring one illustration of the DVD and the menu
A screenshot featuring one illustration of the DVD and the color palette and brushes
The brushes order management explained
Chaos&Evolutions is a project of an open training DVD for digital painter with Free and Open Source Software ( FOSS ). I'm the author of this DVD, and the Blender Foundation produce it. Read more about it here :
Download :
Download the Tar.gz file : chaos-and-evolutions-brush-kit.tar.gz (1.7Mo)
Install :
The Brush kit is designed for Gimp 2.6.x with the Patch Gimp-Painter. Save your presets before installing this one, or it will write over and erase your old existing presets (if you created somes). Copy the content of the folder ( after extract it ) in the Gimp user preference folder where username is the username of your login profile on your computer
- Windows : C:\Documents and Settings_username_\.gimp-2.6
- Mac : /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Gimp
- GNU/Linux : /home/username/.gimp-2.6
If the brush kit is successfully installed you should see the same splash at opening than in the screenshots.
Usage :
The "Chaos&Evolutions Brush Kit" install on your Gimp presets for various tool, palette and brushes. It's just a ready to use brush kit to do concept art, digital painting and computer art. To load a preset, select a tool and in the tool option windows, click the icon to load a preset Screenshots above can help you to understand how it works.
About & Motivations :
My philosophy for the "Chaos&Evolutions Brush Kit" was to build a professional brush kit from the scratch for the open project "Chaos&Evolutions" and "Durian". I did some research on the brushes creation to find the best deal between detailed brushes for the painting and calculation speed for the brush engine.
Many brush kit on internet are packs of "free" brushes took from various community artist that give brush with problem of licensing. Commons sources of brushes are: Deviant Art / Gnomon DVD / CGsociety / Personnal website / Blog and specialised website of *.abr brush. Those brushes can't be used on an open source project cause it's impossible to know where the brush come from. It can be from a copyrighted photo. It can be against the copyright of an artist.
I hope this brushkit will help artist on Linux.
I hope this brushkit will help open source 2D painting project, for developpers to analyse and to merge it in the codes and presets.
For any questions, post a comment.
License :
Chaos&Evolutions brushkit fell in public domain or CC-0. This override the license on the footer of this page. That's my decision to be sure other artist can use it and software developers can include them. Also, in case of brush redistribution, or if you like them and want to give a link back; I would appreciate those credits :
- David REVOY |
- Blender Foundation |