Dev: a bash script to compile Krita, Mypaint and VC

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Update: This script is now outdated and unmaintained. I explain my reasons and offer an alternative here . I keep this blog post as an archive. If you are interested to maintain the script, contact me!

Whats new ?

  • A dedicated Git repository on GitHub here :
  • A documentation included in the file, also displayed on front page of the GitHUb project
  • More user-friendlyness ; easier menu , all colored with also separators for better lisibility
  • Update libraries of Mypaint for GTK3
  • added LICENSE ; GNU GPL 3.0
  • Add a uninstall feature
  • Drop of the 'reset to stable' old feature because of issue with libs and user preferences file.
  • Tested on a vanilla Linux Mint KDE 14 system, tested on Ubuntu Studio 13.04 (Xfce)


You can download a ZIP of the last version here : Extract, and follow usage instruction in the, or read it here For git users, you can also clone the repository with :

git clone

and update it later.


link Nasser Alshammari  

Hey david, Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.
I have a small question though, what is VC?

link David Revoy Author,

@Nasser Alshammari : Hi Nacer, thx. VC is a library for CPU performances Krita need. Unfortunately, Krita need the last to run fast and this is not available as a Mint KDE package , so thats why I propose it to compile.

link bittler  

hello, work on mint 13 ?

link David Revoy Author,

@bittler :Hey , they normally 'Should' ( I had positive feedback about previous generation of script on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS , and Mint 13 is a derivative of them ) but I didn't tested myself.
This new script where tested on a vanilla install on LinuxMint 14 KDE on my laptop yesterday , and made the work effortless. During the writing , I test them in 2 versions of LM14 cloned on a Virtual Machine

link Nezumi  

I just used them and it worked flawlessly for VC and Krita. Thanks man!

link David Revoy Author,

@Nezumi : Woow! thank for the feedback. I'm still a beginner scripter, so I really appreciate knowing when it works.

link doray nico  

Salut David,
Merci pour ces scripts bien pratiques.
J'ai executé le script krita-install à la fin du process d'install, dans le dossier "inst".. il n'y a rien. Est ce normal? Ou trouve t-on normalement l'icone de lancement de ce krita?
la bonne journée.

link David Revoy Author,

@doray nico : Bonjour Doray. Non, ce n'est pas 'normal' si les consignes on été suivi et le script lancé sur Linux Mint KDE 14.
La compilation a du être arrêté en cours puisqu'elle n'a rien installé ; probablement à cause d'un système pas compatible Linux Mint KDE 14 ; ou bien de libraries manquantes ( est-ce que la compilation de VC c'est bien passé ? Le dépot des sources Ubuntu à été activé comme exigé en rouge dans le processus ? etc... )
Pour pouvoir donner plus de renseignement ; il faut lancer le script à nouveau dans un terminal ( celui-ci configurer pour afficher plus de 500 lignes d'historique ) , puis relancer l'install' ; à la fin , copier coller toutes les lignes vers un service comme , et soumettre le code. Puis me coller ici l'URL lien avec le text sur pasteall.

link doray nico  

Merci de ta reponse,
Je ne l'avais pas indiqué mais je suis sous Ubuntu 12.10
Pour l'instal de VC, j'ai relancé le script mais il s'est arrêté :
[ Note: this part can take from 2min to 30min depending of your CPU and disk speed access ]

-- Detected Compiler: GCC 4.7
-- GCC Version from --version: 4.7.2
-- Detected CPU: ivy-bridge
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/nico/Software/vc/src
make: *** Pas de cibles spécifiées et aucun makefile n'a été trouvé. Arrêt.


Now, installing vc direcly into your system
[ Note: to install it, the script will ask you probably your password ]

make: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « install ». Arrêt.

Je ne sais à quoi ça correspond mais ça m'a pas l'air bon. J'ai donc collé les lignes dans voici l'url:

link doray nico

j'ai relancé l'instal de VC mais a été arrêté. J'ai oublié de préciser que je travaillais sous ubuntu 12.10
merci pour ton aide.

link David Revoy Author,

@doray nico : Ok. Je viens de lancer un clone de ma machine virtuelle sous Linux Mint KDE 14 , et le script compil et install VC du premier coup ( après les longs charmes du upgrade/update des paquets, qui est assez long sur un système vierge ). Je ne peux pas tester sous Ubuntu main 12.10.
Je peux conseiller de supprimer tout le dossier 'Software' et de relancer le processus :
1) le script pour VC
2) le script pour Krita

link doray nico  

je te remercie je vais tenter de tout effacer et de recommencer.
la bonne soirée.

link Drayldan  

Hi David! Your scripts worked for me... partly. I successfully prepared MyPaint for launch and using, but unfortunately it didn't happen for Krita. :( And it is a great loss since I was hoping to check out this magnificent app in recent versio:O:O:On. :(((
What is strange, Krita compiles without noticable errors (and takes up quite a huge place in "root" dir ), but it didn't show up in the menu/desktop afterwards. What to do now? ;o
I feel helpless, I feel almost like crying... '(
I set up everything (Linux Mint 14 Kde 64-bit) especially in order to get those nice apps (MyPaint and Krita in recent test versions). ;o

Please, do answer to my post.

link David Revoy Author,

@Drayldan : As you don't speak about VC, I guess you installed it via the script also before Krita. As it was written in Red while running the script , VC is a dependency. Also, same for activating the Ubuntu source repository. But as you said, if the compilation ran ok ... ( I would need a log of it, copy the entire output of the terminal to a service as , be carefull to have a terminal konsole profile set to display more than the 500 default last line of history . 9999 or unlimited is fine xD )If it's only a menu item problem ; have you tried to launch it from ~/Software/krita/inst/bin/krita  ?

link Drayldan  

Yeah, thanks for very fast reply!
I tried to stick to your 'usage rules' on the compilation scripts.
So, I ran MyPaint, VC and finally Krita. And only MyPaint appeared in "Graphics" submenu. Yes, I set right source repo as you wrote before.

Which exact file should I try to run from Krita install dir? I will give a try it if possible. If it fails, then I am ready to (re)install Krita and will give you logs (from installing Krita only?). I guess I am to "Uninstall" (from your script-menu) Krita and VC at first, then make another try, right?

link David Revoy Author,

@Drayldan :Hi, no problem for fast answer today. i'm around. Thanks for confirming you followed the usage rules ; thats remove from my list one of the common with install problem I check. So, I guess you also followed the advice to reboot your computer ( needed to make the ~/Software/krita/inst/ folder part of your system 'bin'   ). To run Krita without a menu entry , try to run manually ( double clicking in Dolphin )  /home/<yourusernamehere>/Software/krita/inst/bin/krita if it doesn't work, or if there is no file, try to re-run only the Krita script , and use the 'Reset to master' option. ( note : I tested to update here a minute ago , and today code is compiling fine, git repo works , I'm right now on LinuxMintKDE14 64b updated )

link Drayldan  

Hello again David,
I'm back and I am little confused by situation....
At my computer Krita isn't placed where you pointed above. It's rather hidden behind "root" directory. I counted how big it is there and I show following amount:
- VC: takes up 131 MB
- KRITA takes up 3,4 GB (!!!)
- MYPAINT (works fine) takes up 128 MB

I still use Linux Mint KDE 64-bit and my hardware is PC's Core2Quad with 8 GB Ram and ATI Radeon 7850 (not bad, right? :)).

Here are the full log of "reset to master" operation:

After this, Krita still doesn't show up (even after booting). :o

Hope you will find a workaround... and with version 1.0 (maybe) the whole process will take faster and simpler. ;)

link David Revoy Author,">@Drayldan :Hey, DrayIdan ; yes,

3.4 GB is normal ; thats the price of Source ( + Git Branch, tree , pas
revision and all ) + Build + Inst ... Even if the end package is little
as 30MB

I saw this in the header of your script :
  - script version : v0.3
  - source path :    /root/Software/krita/src 
- build path :    /root/Software/krita/build 
- install path :     /root/Software/krita/inst...

and I have no idea why the script want to install all to /root/  ...
...Except if you explicitly asked it ...
Did you run the script with 'sudo' or in a terminal in 'root' mode ... ?
I guess yes ...
if yes , you --shouldn't do that--. It can hurt badly your system , and the script wasn't made for that. it can work for Mypaint and VC , but again in a bad way.

To repare this mistake ;  I advice you to do this steps
:1) open Dolphin ( file explorer ) and right-click on /root/ go to 'Root action' in the menu , and ask 'Open in the File manager'
2) Delete the folder 'Software' ( and all contained inside )
3) Close the 'File Manager' opened as root
4) Open a normal 'File Manager' Dolphin ; go to your home directory , find the hidden file ( '
Ctrl+ . '  to reveal hidden files ) and open '.profile' with a text editor as 'Kate'.
5) At the end of the file, it should have 2 lines starting by 'export PATH' and 'export KDEDIRS' , delete them.
6) Done

Now , run again the script , but in a normal session terminal at your user name .
And not as 'root'.
It doesn't need sudo. 

You can redo that for all the script Mypaint /  VC /  Krita.
Good luck and courage  ;-)

link Arnis  

Hello! I just did everything that was listed here - installed mypaint first, vc after that and finally Krita + running the script. While MyPaint shows up and is usable, Krita is nowhere to be found.

Also this folder "/home/<yourusernamehere>/Software/krita/inst/bin/krita " is totally empty.

Got any advice for me?

link Arnis  

Sorry for spamming, I didn`t read everything that was in red. Turns out I hadn`t enabled the repositories the script needed.

Thank you for compiling these tools into simple package that everyone can use.

link David Revoy Author,

@Arnis : Oh cool it finally worked :-) and thanks for reporting it.

link Arnis  

I have a bit of a problem here though that shows up for both krita and mypaint and other software - everything gets really slow and brushes start to lag to the point it`s unusable. Only a PC restart helps but I still get the same issue all over again whenever I try to paint. The canvas size is the standard preset, I`m not using anything huge, just basically painting and changing brush size here and there. I`m also using your brushes that you shared.

It should not be my PC as it`s fairly decent: i5-2500k, GTX670, 8 gigs of RAM.

As the problem persists on both mypaint and krita, could that be a driver problem?

link David Revoy Author,

@Arnis : Oh yes, thats sound suspicious, and I never experienced it. You shouldn't have any issue normally with this type of hardware ( about speed ) ; I run smooth with slower laptop ( i3core, HD4000 intel gfx, 4GB ram ).
Do you run a particular driver for the nvidia ? Here on my main workstation I had issue with the default 'nouveau' open-source one, flickering of screen, freeze , etc... The stable proprietary one ( last tab in the 'software source' on Linux Mint KDE if I remember well ) is ok for me.
I'll not have internet today, maybe on sunday. If you want to got more information feel free to ask on #krita channel on IRC ; probably a developper can know more about it.

link Arnis  

I`m using Mint 14 KDE with the latest proprietary driver 310, I guess I`ll check out the tested one - 304.

Later I`ll also ask around on #krita, thank you for the advice.

link RaphaelAraújo  

Tried to run the first one (MyPaint), but it stopped in

"[_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG 00:16:55.546345] [PackageKit] emit updates-changed"

I'm using Elementary OS :/

link Raphael Araújo  

Sorry for double post. I solved the above problem (it was a problem with AppCenter from elementary OS, I just uninstalled it).

MyPaint works flawlessly, but Krita doesn't even open (the splash screen appears and disappears right after) :/

link Raphael Araújo  

Again, I'm sorry for another post. Krita worked after I rebooted my machine, thx for the scripts.

link David Revoy Author,

@RaphaelAraújo : Hey , thanks for your test and feedback on Elementary OS ! ( and no worry for the 3 comment post , no problem here )

link Drayldan  

Hello again David! This will be a "continuation" of the thread from #18. comment at this webpage.
Well, I was able to check out Krita today (lack of time before) on clean, fresh installed system (Linux Mint KDE 64-bit). The situation is a bit better (it compiles into my home dir instead of root -> in fact I was doing it from root's terminal before) but still I have got MyPaint and not Krita. :(
Here is my latest log from "reset to master" option:
www . pasteal l .org / 42018
I hope you try to advise me anything good this time, too. :)

link Cyberfufu  


Après avoir installé mint 14 KDE et effectué les manips de base de l'autre sujet, j'ai lancé les scripts : d'abord le VC qui a tourné pendant plus de 2heures.
Ensuite le script pour krita et companie. A priori il n'y a pas eu d'erreur (après redémarrage mon système semble d'ailleurs complètement à jour), mais pas de krita quand je cherche dans les applis.

Je relancerai demain histoire de voir si je n'ai pas oublié une option, mais il me semble avoir suivi les consignes en rouge à la lettre. Bon ceci dit je suis archi débutant sous linux...

Merci pour ces tutos en tous cas, ça aide d'avoir des guides, il y a tant d'options.

link David Revoy Author,

@ @Cyberfufu & @Drayldan : Krita jumped last week to 2.8 dev , 2.7 is in alpha freeze waiting for polishing to be released. New version = new codes , new libs , and new compatibility issue. Unfortunately , I moved house last week , and don't have internet at home yet to refresh Krita GIT repository and see what happen. I hope to recover internet next week.
(Note : typing comments on 3G Android phone is a pain ... )

link Cyberfufu  

No problem, I was just reporting. i'm not in a hurry, I have all the OS to configure and try to learn before.

Thanks for taking the time to answer even with your phone.

Bonne crémaillère ;-)

link Drayldan  

OK, I have to wait. I still would like to play around with Krita so I am interested in any help you could provide, David.
Or maybe I should install Krita from software manager's inventory? ;o

link nezumi  

Just to report a "funny" thing...
I was always using your script to update Krita and MyPaint. Today I noticed that something is wrong because under windows I have newer Krita then under Linux. Hmmm, updating wasnt working so I (very stupidly) decided to uninstall Krita and install it again with your script, hoping that it will catch up with latest version. As you can imagine not only it didnt, but I also cant install it again with your script. Ow joy...

Well, what can I say... I cant wait for you to update scripts... Please can you at least let us know when more or less you will be able to? I dont want to hold you to your word, just it is easyier to wait having some rough time given...

link nezumi  

Ow, I haven't tested it yet but friend just sent me this PPA for Krita:
I have no clue if it is working with Mint but it should, right? In any case - thanks for your hard work! Hope this PPA will take out some stress from you and good luck with getting your internet sorted.

link David Revoy Author,

@ All : Still no internet here, only cell phone :-( My ISP sent me a broken modem x( , 15 days without internet. I can't update a single GIT or nothing.
Yes, the PPA is certainly the way to go ! I think I'll drop support for compilscript as it takes me load of times to maintain , and also a lot of energy and brainstorm as I'm not a dev.

Current compilscript fail at Krita compilation because Krita does not support VC master version ( and the script update VC to master ) , only version 0.7

entering manually in the VC source folder this on a terminal :
git checkout 0.7.0
then launching the script again in 'build mode only' ( I don't remember if I have made this option for VC ) will build VC 0.7 , then rebuilding Krita from scratch maybe a good idea.

link nezumi  

That sucks - hope you will get your internet sorted soon.

As for PPA is working perfectly under Mint so I can easily recommend it for everybody.

link Raphael Araújo  

Hi David

Just a little question, my elementary OS broke (nothing related to your script :P) and I'm looking for another distro (probably KDE-based, got tired from the lack of customization), but now I'm thinking about one that isn't Ubuntu or a derivative of it.

Would your script work on them or does it use things native to Ubuntu?

Thx :)

link David Revoy Author,

@Raphael Araújo : Hey Raphael ; yes and no .
- Yes for : the part who update Git / Compile / is Ok on every Linux system.
- No for : the part who install all libs to compile it. It use apt-get , sudo and Debian like name for libs.
The script aren't hard to open and edit, and I think the Krita documentation got a page with Compilation on Arch/Manjaro , OpenSuse, Fedora and other.
Don't hesitate to give feedback if you find a cool and easy Linux distribution.
Here , I became dependent of the easiness of PPA ; UbuntuOne , and other 'buntu facilities ... For the moment I'm still on Linux Mint 14 KDE ; not broken, works ... I'll not fix it unless a review promise me better perf, or better features :-)

link mitja  

tell me how to upgrade krita to Fedora 18

link David Revoy Author,

@mitja :Hi Mitja ; sorry I don't know a lot about how package and repo works in Fedora.

link daisy  

affirmative post it will really help you thanks.

link dfsd  


link Tech  

Génial ! Je me lance dans linux et j'avais justement besoin de quelques utilitaires.

Merci pour le partage.

link MyappsforPC  

Hey david, Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.

link Cricbuzz  

Compile Scripts are pre-build scripts which need not be recompiled. Auto compilation facility saves our time as well as give us error free results.

link 100 status  

i think this information gonna help me. thank you so much for this.well done!!

link elon musk  

Wow this is amazing. I hope such things happen in my place as well.

link Leo  

Hey david, Thanks so much for taking the time to do this.

link Leo  

Compile Scripts are pre-build scripts which need not be recompiled. Auto compilation facility saves our time as well as give us error free results.

link Leo  

affirmative post it will really help you thanks.

link Leo  

Génial ! Je me lance dans linux et j'avais justement besoin de quelques utilitaires.

Merci pour le partage.

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