Mypaint brushes V6

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To install :

1.Download the *.zip package
2.Open Mypaint, and go in the main menu to Brush > Import Brush Package
3. Done, a new brush group named 'deevad-v6' will be created.

This is Deevad's brushset version 6 done for Mypaint version 1.1.0.
This brush kit is released in public domain, so feel free to create
what you want with it.

Creative Commons Zero (this overide the CC-By on the footer of this article).

Download it ( 658KB ) on my Deviant Art account

License: "Mypaint brushes V6" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0with additional custom rules mentioned at the end of the article.
Tags:  #brush  #mypaint   | Download: Markdown


link deburger  

:) nice, want to try

link lecouin  

- Perso j'utilise beaucoup le mixbrush et je n'arrive pas à retrouver le même sous krita ;)
- une idée sur une dispo de cette nouvelle version de mypaint sous ubuntu ?
- j'ai essayé de trouver un équivalant au de sketch_shade_wash de krita mais sans succès

Merci en tout cas, je vois que le projet va de l'avant, il est stable, performant et a beaucoup d'avenir :)

ps : depuis quelques semaines j'ai repris la Xubuntu, très stable, rapide, le seul problème que je n'arrive pas à régler c'est le passage en quzerty de mes touches de ma cintiq :/
A n'y rien comprendre, de quoi devenir dingue des fois ;)

link Mufeed  

Thanks David.

I can't use MyPaint without your brushkit. I really love them. :)

link Blender Attitude  

Bonjour David,

Nous connaissons bien les précédentes versions et on vous le dit tout net, la seule beauté de vos icônes suffit à donner envie de dégainer le stylet. Mais quand en plus, les outils virtuels sont fidèles aux outils réels... Bref, c'est du pur bonheur que vous nous offrez là et on ne peut que se demander pourquoi ne pas l'inclure par défaut au future MyPaint 1.1.0 ?

Bonne journée,
Blender Attitude, le Magazine de la Création 3D avec Blender

link André  

Thanks dude!!! Your brushkit is awesome!

I hope we will see a new recent version for windows soon... Can't wait to test the new stuff. :)

link flem  

Comme toujours du pur bonheur !
Merci encore une fois David. :D

link madjetreaper  

Awesome. I can't wait to try out the updated set up brushes.

link gissehel  

Due to various reasons, I'm using MyPaint under Windows, and as It's a bit trickier to compile than under linux, I'm stuck with latest release : 1.0.0

So I decided to port back your set for mypaint 1.0.0, and here is the link :

link lecouin  

<ce décolle de ça cintiq>
bon je viens de mettre la version git, je suis bluffé par les nouveaux pinceaux :)

Mici David :)

ps: cela fait la 3ème fois que je suis obligé de passer provisoirement mon système en US pour utiliser scons sinon ça me fais une erreur d'ascii ... enfin bon une fois qu'on à compris c'est du passé ;)

link luciddreamer  

thanks a lot david....
thanks a lot gissehel for portin it back for mypaint 1.0.0.

link Franck B  

bonjour, as tu une idée de la date de disponibilité de Mypaint 1.1.0 pour windows ?
merci, pour ton brushkit


link kot-barbos  

Hi, David! Thx for you brushes, I always use them.
Finally I install Kubuntu 12.04 install latest Krita (works much better than in my Debian/Xfce), add repo "ppa:achadwick/mypaint-testing" and install MyPaint and....It was 1.0.0+Git ((((
Why? WHY??????

link kot-barbos  

Forgot to ask. In previous version of Krita was several variants of cursor (like brush outline, cross, etc), but I can't find it in 2.5.2. It is there or that option was deleted?

link kot-barbos  

Wait, there is no MyPaint 1.1.0 yet ( =D

link Jose  

Me too, waiting anxiously for a new release of MyPaint! and try V6 brushkit :D

link Andre  

Off topic:

Do you use krita 2.5. and the 2.7 version simultaneously on your system?

best reagrds :)

link David Revoy Author,

@Franck B : Bonjour, malheureusement , Mypaint 1.1 n'est actuellement pas prévu pour Windows, du a un bug de GTK

@Andre : I use the Git version only for Krita ; speed enhancement are really good.

Thanks all for the comments :)

link alex88  

gissehel, thanks for the porting! Works just fine!
David, thank you for the brush kit itself!

link Ben Suttor  

Bug in mypaint 1.1. I don't know if it is a mypaint or a brush bug

left, mypaint 1.0, right 1.1

link David Revoy Author,

@Ben Suttor : Hi Ben, no it's not really a bug ; I just changed the settings of this brush. Sorry. You can find the old brush in the v4 package ( download it here"> )

link Ben Suttor  

Hi. Okey, I installed V5 now, works like it should :-)

However, yes, I saw that you changed the settings, but nevertheless it behaves so different to the previous version that I still don't know if there is a bug or not. Just to make it sure: Is that brush supposed to react to speed? Because it always does this litte stars (don't know how else to explain this). The old version was blurry when you were drawing very slow and looked like stars when you were drawing fast. At V6 speed doesn't matter anymore. Is that the way it should be?

Thx, Ben

link David Revoy Author,

@Ben Suttor : This new brush doesn't use speed, but for sure I use it more to do 'fringe' pattern' in accumulation than really to draw line ( in fact, with line, the pattern of 'stars' doesn't look good at all ) . I developped this new version for the use of my graphic novel , its the same brush than here :">

link Ben Suttor  

Ah, well okey then. So everything is just fine :-)


link onii  

I really prefer the <V5 artpen over the new pen. It's just the way that I sketch that lends more to a dark thin line than a light gray. If I were going over my lines a lot, I would prefer the new pen... but I like to put things down in one stroke, and it doesn't look good for that. That's my only gripe; the rest of these brushes are great. Could we maybe see the return of the artpen in V7?

link Taposy Rabeya  

Though I got this long time after, I will try.

link SenlinOS  

Hi ~
GIMP 2.9.x+ has supported loading Mypaint brushes.
Thin_watercolor is the Version-2 of the brush, can not load!
I have converted it to Version-3 of the brush, hoping to replace it.

Download address:

link David Revoy Author,

If a Mypaint brush can't load in Gimp; the bug should be reported to them.
Thanks for taking the time to convert this preset. Maybe this fixed preset will interest Gimp team as well.

link Pembesar Hammer  

However, yes, I saw that you changed the settings, but nevertheless it behaves so different to the previous version that I still don't know if there is a bug or not. Just to make it sure: Is that brush supposed to react to speed? Because it always does this litte stars (don't know how else to explain this). The old version was blurry when you were drawing very slow and looked like stars when you were drawing fast. At V6 speed doesn't matter anymore. Is that the way it should be?

Thx, Ben

link obat kuat  

Forgot to ask. In previous version of Krita was several variants of cursor (like brush outline, cross, etc), but I can't find it in 2.5.2. It is there or that option was deleted?

link Manu  

How to define the default eraser ? I have a Wacom Intuos2 tablet, it works with wacom_serial5 driver and patched linuxconsoletools/inputattach and blacklisted wacom_serial4 module. When I switch from the stylus to the eraser, the default kneaded eraser is selected, but I don't like it. I want the thin hard eraser. I deleted all the references to kneaded in the *.py and *.pyc files in the /usr/share directory, and replaced them with thin_hard, but the new eraser does not come up after restarting MyPaint. It seems the old one is hardcoded. Is there a way to edit the default brushes before I have to hack the source ?

link David Revoy Author,

Hey, I think it was designed to be more simple:
- switch/flip your stylus to eraser ( it will select auto one of first preset with eraser )
- with the same eraser tip/position ; select the hard eraser brush of your choice in brush preset list.
- flip back stylus to paint/draw
- when you'll flip again to eraser ; the eraser tip will 'save' in memory your last selected eraser with eraser tip: the hard one.

link David Revoy Author,

I guess you talk about 3.1.2 ?
It's in the settings, first page :)

link obat herbal  

yes, I saw that you changed the settings, but nevertheless it behaves so different to the previous version that I still don't know if there is a bug or not. Just to make it sure: Is that brush supposed to react to speed? Because it always does this litte stars (don't know how else to explain this). The old version was blurry when you were drawing very slow and looked like stars when you were drawing fast. At V6 speed doesn't matter anymore. Is that the way it should be?

link David Revoy Author,

Hi unfortunately, your observation are right. When Mypaint moved from GTK2 to GTK3 ; the core engine also received changes. I never really could adapt to it. The refresh rate on screen seems always 'off' to me and my brush settings were affected as you comment. That's in this period I decided to migrate full workflow to Krita; even if Mypaint had better smudge/mix engine. Since this time, I'm still 100% in Krita. Sometime, I keep building from sources on my operating system an old GTK2 version of Mypaint. I hope the recent version will find back what made the old one great!

link Peter  

Where is the download link in deviantart?

link cara menggugurkan hamil  

By taking the time to read a lot of information like this to add my insight .

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