très très beau. Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander pourquoi elle a le décolleté qui prends la flotte 🤔. Personne ne fait ça, non ? (Je demande car je ne suis pas concerné, ça se trouve c'est pas gênant ?)
Ah, je vois mieux le dessin maintenant que je ne suis plus dans le train sur un smartphone, c'est donc un gorgerin doré qu'on voit dépasser de sa cape. J'avais cru à un décolleté inopportun.
@mhunt Don't worry, she'll never really go to the dark side, story-wise ; but her author might have more and more inspiration into dark fantasy, so...😀
What is Pepper wearing over her décolleté here, looking so brass (or gilded?) metallic? Is that part of a plate armor worn under the clothes sticking out? Or some upside-down crown or tiara?
@das_g That's a "artist need to test metallic object rendering" for this test rendering for the next episode. So, it's totally random I'm afraid, just a shape I painted there to make a cool design. Thank you for noticing it!
I love your cheerful and innocent comics, but seeing this, I can imagine her grown up to be a powerful witch. Serious and concerned, trying to save the world.
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🎥 Timelapse/making of (under)
📦 :krita: Sources:
license: :cc: :ccby:
157 ★
I love your art style.
awww soooo beautiful :blobblahjaheart: ★
Ah, I miss Pepper & Carrot. Great image.
This has a nice serious fantasy feel to it.
I’d watch that as an animation. That imagine alone has sold me. Plus I know French animation tends to be good.
très très beau.
3 ★Mais je ne peux m'empêcher de me demander pourquoi elle a le décolleté qui prends la flotte 🤔. Personne ne fait ça, non ? (Je demande car je ne suis pas concerné, ça se trouve c'est pas gênant ?)
@gub Merci merci! Comme elle remet sa capuche, je pense que son prochain movement sera de fermer sa cape. Les fameuses giboulées de Mars !
2 ★gub
Ah, je vois mieux le dessin maintenant que je ne suis plus dans le train sur un smartphone, c'est donc un gorgerin doré qu'on voit dépasser de sa cape. J'avais cru à un décolleté inopportun.
For a moment I have thought that this was a photo. ❤
did she went to the dark side ?
@mhunt Don't worry, she'll never really go to the dark side, story-wise ; but her author might have more and more inspiration into dark fantasy, so...😀
just give her a Sabretooth Tiger ride, like He-Man's :)
that image is a great companion right now: if life is rainy, get a good raincoat.
Thank you!
Merci, c'est toujours aussi beau.
how much time was needed?
flipping awesome!
What is Pepper wearing over her décolleté here, looking so brass (or gilded?) metallic? Is that part of a plate armor worn under the clothes sticking out? Or some upside-down crown or tiara?
@das_g That's a "artist need to test metallic object rendering" for this test rendering for the next episode. So, it's totally random I'm afraid, just a shape I painted there to make a cool design. Thank you for noticing it!
3 ★
@das_g Looks enough like a tiara to make you wonder. I rather like stuff like that that raises questions and lets you ponder them.
Is she carrying the tiara of a disgraced princess for safekeeping?
Is it an magical item, or a culturally significant artifact?
Did she realize her top was a little too revealing for the occasion but she was already running late and this is the last-second fix she came up with?
The possibilities are endless!
Seriously, though, nice work.
Your art is always so good 👀
I like the picture, but the breasts and the gold thing on them look a little weird to me. What is that gold thing anyway?
superbe :blobPikaLove:
I love your cheerful and innocent comics, but seeing this, I can imagine her grown up to be a powerful witch. Serious and concerned, trying to save the world.
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