🌸 Torreya and Shichimi

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License: "🌸 Torreya and Shichimi" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0
Tags:  #artworks   | Download: Markdown


link David Revoy Author, - Reply

I wanted to take a moment with this artwork to express my gratitude to everyone who commented and showed support after I reposted last week the email asking me to erase the relation between these two characters from my comic for homophobic reasons ( framapiaf.org/@davidrevoy/1140 ).

I was overwhelmed by your amount of responses, but in a good way.

Thanks for all this support against hate and intolerance. This only strengthens my motivation to continue in this way with more artworks like that. 💜

343 ★

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

📦 The high resolution and the source layered Krita file is available here: peppercarrot.com/en/viewer/art

License :cc: :ccby:

📽️ I filmed the making of while testing on :debian: Linux the XpPen Deco 01v3, a budget medium sized screenless tablet, I drew this one with that. The timelapse will be part of the hardware review on the channel (soon, stay tuned!).

Here are two early WIP; the sketch and a pass with better line weight:

The sketch, thin digital line, of the artwork (the first mentioned and already described in the thread). The drawing, with line weight, digital line, of the artwork (the first mentioned and already described in the thread). 144 ★

link Péhä   - Reply

this is the right answer😈

4 ★

link Dinand Mentink   - Reply

Beautiful answer. No comments.

link NONE ⁂ :verified_purple:   - Reply

So much sass coming from this one, and I know why lol

link ✨メッツォ✨ :sabakan: :mastodont:   - Reply


link Dragon Vertigo   - Reply


link schlaf   - Reply

<sarcasm> could you please redo it so it would be less ambiguous...

maybe draw them like two sisters, so it won't shock the kids of some parents 😛

(good job david, let the biggots rot in their own hell of intolerance)

link Elena ``of Valhalla''   - Reply

@schlaf less ambiguous as in “explicitely kissing”, right? :D

link thedoctor   - Reply

@schlaf sarcasm

Please redo with fewer clothes and more kissing

sarcasm off

link Damien Goutte-Gattat   - Reply


so it won't shock the kids of some parents

I want to believe that it is only those parents that could be shocked, and that their kids would not in fact see any problem with the depiction of same-sex romance ­– if their parents were not doing anything they could to prevent them from ever seeing such depiction.

link socketwench   - Reply


link Daria   - Reply

❤️ 🏳️‍🌈

link lrde-lareinedeselfes   - Reply

merci à toi de nous montrer la beauté de l'amour et de l'amitié 😘

link Billiglarper   - Reply

Thank you! 💚

link s3nnet.de   - Reply

Excellent decision!

link Sindarina, Edge Case Detective   - Reply

Yay! 🙌🏻

link Giacomo Alessandroni   - Reply

We are the ones who thank you!

link Blind Mapmaker   - Reply

What the? Sorry, I missed the first posting, but you definitely have my support against blatantly oblivious people-hating "concerned parents" like these.

link Pseudo Nym   - Reply

All good. I've been enjoying reading your comic from the beginning as a result of the bozo complaining.

Loving your artwork and general vibe for the characters so far.

How many episodes do I have to look forward to until I've caught up?

link Oriol Piera   - Reply

l'amor mai va contra ningú, l'amor sempre guanya l'odi

(Love is never against nobody, love wins always hate)

link Carl C   - Reply

Yes, doubling down. 😆

link Rémi Dupré   - Reply

wow, almost 1000 retoots, I didn't even know there were so many people on Mastodon 🤭

link Ro_G ⏚   - Reply

eh ben voilà, là c'est un vrai "masterpiece accessible" pour tout les "differents culture family" toussa toussa 😋

Plus sérieusement, c'est juste doux, beau, vrai ... Le genre qui rend ce monde de m*** supportable et c'est bien. Merci 😉

3 ★

link tangy   - Reply

Good that you’re not changing the panel. While I can appreciate that they wrote you a fairly politely worded request instead of an insulting one, the message is absolutely not acceptable! Who we love, is not a “creative choice”. Thank you for standing up to this.

link Tritz   - Reply

Actually good point. They stayed very polite. But yeah, a bit outdated worldview. In my opinion it should be normal that same sex couples exist. Doesn't mean you should actively try to confront children with it, but also not "try to protect" them from it and therefore marking it as "bad"/"wrong".

link Kit Rhett Aultman   - Reply

@atomictangerine I mean, the words were polite, in the same way that saying "I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience" while stabbing someone is polite. That letter was a smile with daggers behind it. It was the classic new-conservative talking line of cloaking bigotry behind the ludicrous claim that it "supports diversity" and "increases access to all".

It is, to be frank, entryism. Entryism is an invasive species in your forest, prepared to destroy it if not eradicated.

link Quiralta   - Reply

What!? You got a reader from the 1400's 😄

Nah, is crazy when people blame other for their own lack of understanding of love and then they expect everyone else to comply.

Awesome artistry as usual David!!🙌🏼

link   - Reply

The fake niceness always gets to me, it’s so hollow.

I’d like to add some feedback to your artistic choices too. Do what you want, you are doing just fine.

link MissConstrue   - Reply

Wow. Just wow. Go you!

link Pierre-Yves Martin   - Reply

I'm very interested, cause in need of changing my now very old tablet… can't wait for the review !

link Arne Babenhauserheide   - Reply

thank you! That’s marvellous!

link Arne Babenhauserheide   - Reply

You also fixed the left hand in the second sketch, right? (or rather the sleeve)

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@ArneBab yes, I still have this bad reflex of drawing open sleeve even when the gravity should close them. 😅

3 ★

link Paulo Delgado   - Reply

I'm always so impressed with you and other artists that can take some simple lines and turn it into something so beautiful and detailed! kudos!

link andie :oh_no_bubble:   - Reply

Awesome! Can't wait! Been trying to pick a budget tablet to get started with. Gave up trying to draw with the mouse. :neofox_laugh_sweat:

link Dustin Hudyma   - Reply


link Teinal   - Reply

For me his statement was better to read than the statements wrote by "everyone who commented and showed support". And no, not because of the attitude to homosexual relationship but by the way how they refer to another person.

He asked you directly. You could say no and that would be it. Instead he was pelted with insults in the name of tolerance? 😞 This "support against hate" became hate itself 😞

If we demand respect, let us show it ourselves.

link Renarde   - Reply


Do you that tolerance is a social contract ?
If you breach it you aren't protected by it.

There is no politeness in "can you erase minorities" no matter how you word it.

Most of my rights as a transwoman where won with violent protest, asking nicely to people who seek to erase us is nonsensical.

link Teinal   - Reply

@Lana I see Your point, and indeed in so many cases in history those who were oppressed had to fight for their rights.
There are cases however when those who were oppressed become oppressors themselves. This is what I saw in this particular situation. The "oppressed-oppressors" started elaborating about the person's education and world view and soon it evolved to attack on whole groups. Even more - at the end all of them heard "bravo". These things is what I did not like.

link Renarde   - Reply

I don't want to antagonise but this sound like you worry only about potential harm that the anonimized homphobe than the harm.
People have the right to be angry when someone do this underhanded tacticts of having "a few concern" when it's painfully clear the goal is lgbt erasure.

link Kit Rhett Aultman   - Reply

@teinal You do understand that every nice-sounding word in that email was a complete lie and rhetorical posture, right? You can wrap the poison pill in chocolate, but it will kill all the same.

That behavior does not deserve respect. It's less respectable than the public bigot who yells slurs. At least the loud bigots are being honest.

link Teinal   - Reply

Thank You Kit I think I get Your point now and I agree being honest is better.

I am just worried that we get two or more groups of people being honest start shouting at each other with hate. But that actually happens everywhere all the time.

I will stop now. Thanks all - that was good learning experience for me.

Take care 🙂

link GuB 🕶️🎸🔌🎚️🔊💥   - Reply

Meilleure réponse ever. 👌

link Byte   - Reply

currently attempting to blow up the author of that email with my mind

Very cool characters! I’m sorry some jackass is being homophobic about them.

link Kit Rhett Aultman   - Reply

I'm just glad to have found your work. I've got a hardcover copy of volume 1 on the way, and I'm sure it'll get circulated around my roller derby league when I'm done with it.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@roadriverrail Thank you! And don't hesitate to give a feedback (public or PM here, as you want) about the print quality.

The service I use is 'print on demand', so they use the same file for printing as when I submitted it years ago and checked, and I hope their process is still the same. They are literally printing the books one by one.

You can quickly browse all the efforts I had to do to make a file without using any proprietary software: davidrevoy.com/article757/the-

link Kit Rhett Aultman   - Reply

It's DriveThruRPG and I buy lots of RPG sourcebooks from them and they're always lovely. I expect it'll be just fine.

link Atlas/Vega/Jupi (Comms Open)   - Reply

LET’S GOOOOOOOOO HELL YEAH 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

link Arne Babenhauserheide   - Reply

awww — that’s so beautiful and wonderfully charming!

link Arioch   - Reply

:heart_pride: :heart_pan:

link Rowyn   - Reply

they're so sweet together 💖

link Vincent Cantin   - Reply

J'aime bien cette image. Les personnages ont l'air heureux.

link aeveris   - Reply

beautiful artwork

link Coralie Renée   - Reply

Oh. Whoah. Gorgeous 😍

link Rob26   - Reply

Is fan art allowed? While I don't have the drawing skills, sure those who'd like to see more perspective on the couple would be interested to know your stance on fanarts. Possibly even on Pepper&Carrot as a whole.

link Laura   - Reply

@Rob26 peppercarrot.com/en/fan-art/fa

link Rob26   - Reply

@landelare Wonder if anyone would be interested in cosplaying as this couple? Would be interesting.

link Echedelle ⚧   - Reply

@Rob26@mastodon.social @davidrevoy@framapiaf.org or even stickers packs for mixed lesbian couples/relationships of the characters

link auzjfr   - Reply


link Irina Krita team, - Reply

So cute!

link Rob26   - Reply

Surprised that conservative hadn't asked you to remove the witchcraft. Must be a one step at a time process. Conservatives, maybe not all of them tend to have issues with with witchcraft depiction.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Rob26 I received maybe two emails about it, but that was a sensible topic around 2015 and 2016 and what really triggered them was the incantation circles of Pepper on the episode 8:


link Rob26   - Reply

They were worried about that but not the potions Or any of the other depictions of magic before that particular episode in the comic?

Seems odd of them to target magic but something so specific and seemingly not as worried of other depictions before that.

Anyone telling you to change something in your comics just to appease them i'd continuing ignoring their requests.

Most people wouldn't think much of it in a fictional comic like Pepper&Carrot.

link David Revoy Author, - Reply

@Rob26 True, magic or potion was accepted. It's really the incantation circles and demons that put on the table the "satanic" theme for them.

On the bright side, no one ever complained about Pepper being left handed ( peppercarrot.com/0_sources/ep0 ) , or I never had a single comment of racism against any characters. These representations looks totally mainstream now and that's very good.

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