Krita brushes 2025-01 bundle
I'm starting the year with an update of my previous brush bundle: it was starting to feel a bit outdated compared to what I'm actually using. Even though it looks mostly the same, under the hood all brushes got a lot of improvements.
- Added 8 new brushes.
- Kept the design, and color code by groups
- Refactored pressure sensitivity curves: the bundle is now more linear.
- Fixed glitches here and there.
- Fixed a brush that was too similar to another one (I accentuated its effect).
- Fixed initial brush size, optimised for working at 66% 50% and 33% zoom of the viewport.
- Switched smudge brushes to "Parralel" blending mode; better color mixing results.
- Added brush tag "deevad 25.01"
- Added "deevad 25.01" in brush name to ease filtering them.
Here is the old video I made for 23.01 but it still applies for 90% of this brush bundle.
( I'll post soon a new one, subscribe to my channel to get informed or follow Shichimi on Peertube with any Fediverse client.)
I am able to keep these resources free, open, and without a paywall thanks to the 1% who support my work and make this possible for the other 99%. If you want to be one of them, thank you! You'll find the links to support my work here, I have accounts on Patreon, Tipeee, Liberapay and more options are listed).
Thank you 💜
Direct link:
Checksum Sha256 (zip file): 4c628a9418fcde63abacafdcb143881f2cbbf907275cb4f72335545841cf8173
- Download the zip.
- Extract the file from the zip, it should be named "deevad-bundle_23-01.bundle".
- Launch Krita (5.2.6 or newer).
- Open Setting > Manage Resources
- Press the Import Resources button, and find the file you extracted earlier on your disk.
- Done; you'll find the brush in the tag deevad 25.01.
- These brushes are licensed under CC-0 Public domain. You are free to do commercial work with them, to reshare them, to fork them, to reuse them, to include them in your software.
- The pictures and artworks for the demonstration in this article, under CC-By to David Revoy.
Q: Can I paint with these brushes for a commercial project??
A: Yes you can. I have set the license to CC 0 / Public Domain. You are free to use these brushes as if they were your own.
Q: How to set their layout in a two columns?
A: I detail this in the introduction of this video (link with timecode).
Q: Why do you pack erasers, airbrushes, move tool, etc.? Aren't they already included in the standard Krita package?
A: That's because this bundle is my standard set; the one I've been painting with every day for years. Having duplicates of the presets in my pack allows me to slightly update their behavior if I want. I keep only this brush pack visible on my interface, usually in a two-column layout.
Q: Lazy artist! Your brush looks just like the default set! Same name and design! Some are even similar!
A: That's because I designed the default brush of Krita and even if my taste evolves a bit, my main tools and my way of solving problems remain the same.
Q: Why are you investing time to do this for free??
A: Many reasons: One is that it is a good way to create a clean snapshot of my tools at a given time. Sharing them forces me to document them, clean them, and make nice thumbnails. I'm the first one here who enjoys using something clean for my work. I also like to share my brushes with artists who are interested in how I created this or that effect.
thank you very, very much for this gift :-) I can't wait to try these out <3
Thank you! I'm just planning to begin learning Krita.
Thank you very much! :D
Incroyable boîte à... crayons 😍
Auriez-vous une idée de comment on peut convertir des brush #Krita en brush #Blender ? thank you very much :neocat_heart:
Joli ! Le lien de la deuxième image sur le blog donne le même que le premier (il manque le dernier qui apparait sur le message de mastodon).
@amic Bien vue! Merci. Je l'aurais pas détecté tout seul cette erreur avant longtemps.
Ha oui, j'ai loupé mes insertions d'images dans le markdown du blog. Corrigé! 👍
Much appreciation, even if i'm not gonna use them, i'm sure others would, so, why not Thank you?
you're cool. Thanks for sharing. 🖖
you gallantry shall be rewarded not to the least with Karma!
thank you for these brushes, you're amazing c:
@krikeshh for you uwu
@Krita thank you so much for making and sharing your brushes! Looking forward to trying these out. The new, more linear pressure curves sound like a great change!
Thank you!
They look fantastic! I really appreciate all your efforts!
Thank you!!! :neofox_heart: thank you
I was actually wondering if there's any place we could get some and this will definitely come in handy :neofox_floof:
Thank you - that's very generous! More of a vector person myself, but if I could do raster, I'd certainly try them out.
thanks, David, for all your hard work. These look amazing!
these are fantastic brushes. You definitely are talented and an inspiration to us all. Thank you for these and all the stuff you do.
Hopefully these can be soon bundled by #Krita itself, given the license. Thanks!
Thank you for this gift!
As a newcomer to Krita (from CSP) this is very welcome. Thanks so much for your hard work!
aa, excited to check these out! Thank you for putting so much work into the Krita community, your blog/reviews and resources and tutorials have helped me out multiple times. <3
Yo!! Thank you so much!!
already been using this for the past 20 mins, fucking banger thank you so much
ooh génial! Merci beaucoup ^_^
Very nice, but I would have personally published them under AGPLv3-or-later myself.
@Suiseiseki Appreciate your choice, but a note on copyleft licenses for resources like brushes, textures, or patterns: they can have a viral effect, potentially requiring derivative artworks to be open-sourced.
AGPLv3-or-later is a great choice for code, but might not be ideal for creative assets.
>they can have a viral effect
The freedom doesn't spread like a virus - someone has to take the explicit choice to take part of the spider plant and have the freedom grow.
>potentially requiring derivative artworks to be open-sourced.
The AGPLv3 is a free software license - it does not say "open" in it, or require such a thing.
For derivative works, only people who receive a modified derivative work or has their computation done by such modified version needs to be provided a copy - you can choose to not provide a copy and not do some users computation and if so, you don't need to give that user anything.
I don't see how it would be a bad thing if artworks were released under a free license, but under section 7 you can add an exception the the AGPLv3-or-later header that ensures such doesn't result;
"As a special exception, if you create a artwork which uses these brushes, and/or embed these brushes or unaltered portions of these brushes into the artwork, these brushes do not by themself cause the resulting artwork to be covered by the relevant GNU Affero General Public License version. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the artwork might be covered by the relevant GNU Affero General Public License version. If you modify these brushes, you may extend this exception to your version of the brushes, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version."
(Original message has been truncated: read the complete original message here.)
@Suiseiseki Thanks for the clarification. I understand the nuance of AGPLv3 and the exception clause in section 7. But isn't it complex to patch a license with a custom exception for end users?
I'll stick with CC0/Public Domain, as previously discussed with the Mypaint and Krita teams. We concluded it's safer for users to have creative assets (brushes, textures, patterns) in CC-0/Public Domain.
>But isn't it complex to patch a license with a custom exception for end users?
It isn't a license patch - it's an license exception that is quite trivial to add to the license notice.
With brushes under AGPLv3-or-later+Brushes-Exemption, on viewing the license (what they should do), the user will immediately know that the AGPLv3-or-later applies to the brushes, but not the works drawn with the brushes.
>creative assets
creative works
>We concluded it's safer for users to have (brushes, textures, patterns) in CC-0/Public Domain.
Unfortunately, legally it's less safe for the users, as public domain doesn't really exist in many countries and I'm not that confident in the validity of the fallback license in such countries and CC0 also explicitly doesn't grant a patent license (which is not relevant in this case, but can burn people in other cases).
I'm more confident in the validity of the WPDD; but unfortunately it isn't ready yet.
Thanks David ❤️
Merci beaucoup pour être formidable.
J'espère que ton allemand suffice pour apprécier mon petit article:
LOVE these new brushes, immediately made it into my workflow
You are the bomb!
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