Huion Kamvas Pro 19 - review on GNU/Linux
Useful links:
- Review video on Youtube:
- Review video on Peertube:
- Official store page
- Official product page
Special Offer/Promo code
Black Friday (Nov.21th~Dec.2nd): KamvasPro19 will have a 20% discount on Amazon and Store.
- Huion Store:
- Huion Amazon:
- 2025-01-03 Firmware update: Aki-Nyan reported in the comments that newer devices have updated firmware which causes the HID fixups to fail to apply. She opened a merge-request here with a fix, but it's not yet merged in the main udev-hid-bpf project so you'll need to compile the branch to benefits of these changes.
Here is my video review of the Huion Kamvas Pro 19 pen display tablet. Everything about my feelings, and tests about the hardware is in the video above.
This blog post here is a list of my installation method, scripts and tweaks to install the device under a GNU/Linux operating system.
I spent a lot of time to do research on this unit, but at the end of the day, I'm just a tweaker: all the credits for improving the support of this tablet goes to Joshua Goins (restrate), José Expósito, Benjamin Tissoires (bentiss) and Peter Hutterer (whot) (and probably many more I forgot, sorry).
The proprietary driver
I don't use the proprietary driver provided by Huion for ethical reasons, but I know that many users will be happy to know of its existence and will probably make an exception for this binary in order to "simplify their lives". I don't blame them.
Wayland is the default session on all major GNU/Linux distributions. Unfortunately, it is currently very difficult to set up this type of tablet in Wayland. In Wayland, all this kind of input and configuration has been delegated to the desktop environment developers. So now you understand that there will never be a single Wayland method to configure a tablet under any desktop environment, but a Gnome-on-Wayland method, a KDE/Plasma-on-Wayland method, a Sway-on-Wayland method, etc.
On a recent Fedora GNOME 41 Gnome or Plasma, you'll get very basic options, out-of-the-box and you might even access more thanks to CLI tools like gsetwacom for GNOME or ktabletconfig for Plasma. But you might also hit a wall as soon as you'll want to configure something not exposed to the GUI or this CLI tool.
Great progress is being made and if you install the latest udev-hid-bpf and libwacom you may soon see all the features of this tablet exposed in the system settings (even with the remote control!). However, it is not yet available via the usual packages, and it may take some time for it to spread downstream to all GNU/Linux distributions. So, it is painful to say, but in most cases your best option for Wayland now might be to use Huion's proprietary driver temporarily:
I'm using a Debian 12 KDE on X11 setup. On it, I could setup the tablet correctly (almost a perfect support) with a collection of xsetwacom command-lines executed at system boot via a script.
Remaining issues
- The Kdial remote will be a pain to customise, but you can do it with this method for all keys except for the dial, but big progress and even an official support are made on the udev-hid-bpf project
Fix unwanted Eraser mode on stylus
By default, the second button of the stylus will simulate a stylus flip to eraser while holding it. You'll prefer a right-click to that.
You'll also have no possibility to setup the extra button on the thick stylus.
For that, you need to apply the rules contained in the udev-hid-bpf project. That one contains a rule to make it work again as a right-click (or any button because it will be exposed to xsetwacom for customization after that).
To install it, download the latest package of udev-hid-bpf (packages, not source code or asset), and unpack it somewhere. Then go to the directory and execute the bash script ./
Reboot your system. You can check if everything is correctly loaded with the CLI command line tool tree
sudo tree /sys/fs/bpf/hid/
Note: On my GNU/Linux installation based on Debian 12 Bookworm, you'll need a newer kernel to load BPF programs with eBPF. To do this, I install the curl
package and then the Liquorix kernel using the one-liner command line provided on their website.
Setup X11 to put xsetwacom in control
For that, we need the ID of the tablet first.
Plug the tablet and run in a terminal:
This command will list all usb devices connected to your computer and their ID.
My line looks like that:
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 256c:006b HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902
Copy your ID somewhere, mine here is 256c:006b
, and if we have the exact same model, your might be the same.
Then change directory (cd) to the place where X11 stores its rules:
cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/
I'll create a new file in this directory (note it require your system root password because we are editing a system file with 'sudo'). I'm using here the text-editor "micro", but you can use your favorite. "nano" is often installed anywhere, but has less user-friendly keyboard shortcut and color syntax by default.
sudo micro 70-huion.conf
We can copy/paste the paragraph under at the end of the file; if your USB identifier differs, you'll need to adjust the line starting with MatchUSBID:
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Huion Kamvas Pro 19 Tablet"
MatchIsTablet "on"
Driver "wacom"
MatchUSBID "256c:006b"
MatchDevicePath "/dev/input/event*"
Save and then reboot your system.
At this point, you should see your Huion tablet stylus listed if you write in a terminal:
xsetwacom --list
Bravo! Xsetwacom is now in charge of your tablet, and that's a good news because you can setup almost any aspect of your tablet with this CLI tool.
Create an Xsetwacom script
Don't be affraid of the word "script"; it is just a series of command written line by line on a text file so the computer will execute all of them at once. Each line will setup one aspect of your tablet. Line starting by the character # are not interpreted by your computer, so I added some notes on them to guide you in the customisation of the script. Open a non-rich text editor (eg. Micro, Kate, Geany, Gnome text also called Gedit, etc...) and copy/paste the script under, and then read it and try to customise it to your needs. On this script you'll find my own settings as an example:
#! /bin/bash
# -------------------
# Huion Kamvas Pro 19
# -------------------
# License: CC-0/Public-Domain license
# author: deevad
# Tablet definition
# Identifier obtained using the 'xsetwacom --list' command line
# The tablet appears after creating a special rule for Xorg.
# See blog post on for it.
tabletstylus="HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902 Pen stylus"
tableteraser="HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902 Pen eraser"
# Constrain the stylus to use it's own monitor
# Monitor name here "HDMI-A-0" was obtained
# using the 'xrandr' command-line. Your monitor's name might be different (eg. "HDMI-1", "DisplayPort-3", etc...).
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" MapToOutput $output
xsetwacom --set "$tableteraser" MapToOutput $output
# Calibration (reset)
# Start by reseting calibration to default area
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" ResetArea
# Default area is '0 0 32767 32767'
# You can obtain it with the command line:
# xsetwacom --get "HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902 Pen stylus" Area
# Calibration (set)
# Calibrate your device manually with tweaking the numbers under
# and then re-run the script. Add 50 here, substract 50 there, and see the effects.
# (you can also use a tool like `xinput_calibrator`)
# The number are set like this: "MinX" "MinY" "MaxX" "MaxY"
# default: Area 0 0 32767 32767
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" Area 100 120 32794 32797
xsetwacom --set "$tableteraser" Area 100 120 32794 32797
# Pressure sensitivity calibration
# You can use this widget online here to create your curve
# The number are set like this: "X1" "Y1" "X2" "Y2"
# default: PressureCurve 0 0 100 100
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" PressureCurve 30 30 35 100
# Styluse's buttons:
# First button on the stylus
# I like to get the Control key to pick color on this one.
# default: button 2 2
xsetwacom set "$tabletstylus" button 2 key Ctrl
# Second button on the stylus
# I leave the default right-click
xsetwacom set "$tabletstylus" button 3 3
# Third button on the thick stylus
# The key of your choice? "e" for eraser mode?
xsetwacom set "$tabletstylus" button 8 key e
# Data trimming and suppression
# Better to not filter or delete any data of this device for increasing its precision
# data pt.s filtered (0-100)
# default is 2
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" Suppress 0
# data pt.s trimmed (1-20)
# default is 4
xsetwacom --set "$tabletstylus" RawSample 1
# Mapping touchscreen
# This is tricky, and I had to make a workaround to capture the good ID among three identical
# It re-use the $output parameter set on "Constrain the stylus to use it's own monitor"
id=`xinput --list | grep -F 'HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902 ' | grep -Po '(?<=id=)dd?' | tail -2 | head -n 1`
xinput map-to-output ${id} ${output}
id=`xinput --list | grep -F 'HUION Huion Tablet_GT1902 ' | grep -Po '(?<=id=)dd?' | tail -1 | head -n 1`
xinput map-to-output ${id} ${output}
Save your script under the name of your choice, I saved mine as (using the extension .sh at the end of the file will ease identifying the file as a Bash script later). To run it, after saving the file you need to give this text file execution permission. You can do so with many desktop environment by right clicking on the file, go to the property of the files, and in a permission tab add the "execute" checkbox. Another way to do it is via command line in the same directory:
chmod +x
Now, if you run:
The script should run and apply your preference. If your desktop environment is modern enough; you should have a way to add a script at autostart (usually in Settings > Autostart). This way, the preferences will be applied each time you start your computer. You can of course change options, and execute the script as many time you want to test and adjust.
You might also create a shortcut on your main menu to execute quickly the script.
Monitor Luminosity/Brightness and OSD
Some desktop environment will propose you an icon and a slider to manage the screen luminosity. If it works this way, then you are all set.
But if you can't access a simple slider, or you need all other options of this display, you can do it via ddcutil:
initiate modprobe and ddcutil:
sudo modprobe i2c-dev
sudo ddcutil detect
In the list, the monitor will be detected as HAT
, you can list all its options with:
sudo ddcutil --mfg=HAT capabilities
For example, if you want to reduce the brightness, first check it with:
sudo ddcutil --mfg=HAT getvcp 10
VCP code 0x10 (Brightness ): current value = 100, max value = 100
Then you can set it to 75% or back to 100% this way:
sudo ddcutil --mfg=HAT setvcp 10 75
sudo ddcutil --mfg=HAT setvcp 10 100
Conclusion: contribute?
That's all, this guide can be of course continued or updated!
You can send me your tips via comments, or on various Gitlab or Githubs thread mentionned in this article or via email.
between the XP-pen and Huion tablets you just reviewed which one did you like the best? I have the feeling Huion is more high quality (and expensive) but I’m pretty happy with my XP-pen artist 15.6 pro.
I want an upgrade with higher resolution (mine only supports FHD) so I may be purchasing one as a Christmas present from me to me 😅
@juankprada Hehe, that might be the topic of a next video if I'm getting motivated. But, as you probably saw, the reviews are almost identical as the tech underneath is probably really close (18.4" 4K, USB-C, 2 styluses...). I think this Huion could appeal the 🍎 audience; used to glossy screen + aluminium case. The glossy screen makes the color feels "deeper" even if this one has less cd/m² than the XPpen. The two Huion styluses are also better designed, and the built-in stabilizer is good(1/2)
2 ★davidrevoy
@juankprada Also, maybe for the audience coming from Ipad the Huion will be more appealing (Touch for zoom/pan).
But for my own usage, heh, I struggled. In the (early choice) end I kept the XPPen connected because probably of the bias I had of using the 16inch model for a year before. I'm already adapted to the sensitivity, the friction, ☀️ btns, the overlay. I feel like at home ☺️
All in all, I think the end price will be the best argument for whomever look for a 4K 1:9 19inch tablet. (2/2)
2 ★
I think I get what you mean. As I said I’m pretty happy with the XP-pen I have.
The only thing that got me wondering is the scroll on the stylus. I think I may find it annoying and the thin stylus might not be for me (I’m really used to the analogue nib holders for manga and I like the thick pens better). So I may have to buy an older stylus from xppen but I’m not sure if I will be missing on something by not using the latest one
@juankprada Yes, I don't think you'll miss anything, not a big gain from a 15.4" to a 18.4" and getting through all the effort to re-adapt all muscle memory for the new device friction, zoom size, pressure sensitivity (it can be set, but it is never really the same as in a previous model) can be unproductive on the first weeks.
3 ★For a ratio price/quality, the XPpen 16" Artist Pro (gen2) I used for all last year is still my fav tablet. 💜
interesting. I’m really looking for higher resolution rather than bigger display. I was actually thinking on buying the artist pro 16 gen 2 when I saw your blog post about the 19 and though it might a better option 😁😁
I really appreciate all the reviews you’ve done btw!
@juankprada Hehe, I'm glad you asked this; I wondered the same thing. 😄 They both seem like solid choices, though the XP Pen has a proven track record under a FLOSS professional environment.
I'm pretty struck by the metal chassis and eraser tip, not gonna lie. 😆
It's a difficult choice!
Just a heads up that newer devices have updated firmware which causes the HID fixups to fail to apply.
I've got a PR that *should* fix it for devices with newer firmware (works on mine at least, lol)
No idea when/if it'll be merged upstream, so might be worth tossing a mention in the article about the problem.
@lethalbit Thank you for pointing the issue and the fix (and I'm sorry you hit this firmware update issue after purchasing your unit, it musty have been a bad surprise).
I'll update the article to mention it. Thank you!
2 ★
No worries!
It was more confusing than frustrating if anything, but i'm happy I was able to figure it out and hopefully get it fixed for other who would have been less willing to delve into why it was broken in the first place.
Hope it gets merged soon so it's not an issue for long.
Anyway, happy to help!
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