I love how it is simultaneously: - Light and dark: not too light that it would burn my eyes in dark mode, but not so dark that it would fade away; - Clean enough to not be distracting, but has some texture - A reflection of the "interesting times" we live in
@nekohayo Thanks! It's also a seamless horizontal loop now, all these changes compared to the original posted here (gamma, saturation, glowing butterflies) were done to make a better homepage cover for the new website https://www.peppercarrot.com/
This improved version is now replacing the original one (I probably kept the original in the source file, as a old layer).
How to use this? (click here to unfold) Open a new Mastodon account on the server of your choice. Then, Copy/Paste the adress above in your Mastodon 'Search' field. The post will appear and you'll be able to fully interact with it. You'll have full control of your posts: edit, remove, etc. After that, your message will appear here.
Just please note that it may take up to 12 hours for your changes to be reflected here.
Nice contrast between the clear front of the scene and the background.
I am always happy to see your drawings. Never tired. 💓
@greenCoder [edited: I replied at first in French, probably my evening brain mixing up languages]
Thanks for the feedback (I think I remember a message about the intensity of the light, but not sure because I can't find it), I redid the drawing and it improves it, it's cool:: https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/viewer/artworks__2024-11-11_Light-in-the-Darkness_by-David-Revoy.html 👍
2 ★thedoctor@alpha.polymaths.social
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org This one's so nice, love the light effect on her cape ❤️
Elle grandit la petite, non ?
looks great :)
I like the choice of colors, and you’re very good with faces, both character’s expressions are lovely.
#krita #ArtWithOpensource ah yes, we need this
meow! <3
❤️❤️❤️ ★
Oh wow, new ultrawide wallpaper right there 😸
I love how it is simultaneously:
- Light and dark: not too light that it would burn my eyes in dark mode, but not so dark that it would fade away;
- Clean enough to not be distracting, but has some texture
- A reflection of the "interesting times" we live in
I see https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1052/light-in-the-darkness remains the old no-lucioles version compared to https://www.peppercarrot.com/en/viewer/artworks__2024-11-11_Light-in-the-Darkness_by-David-Revoy.html … is the coexistence of both intentional? I guess it's dark vs light theming 😉
@nekohayo Thanks! It's also a seamless horizontal loop now, all these changes compared to the original posted here (gamma, saturation, glowing butterflies) were done to make a better homepage cover for the new website https://www.peppercarrot.com/
This improved version is now replacing the original one (I probably kept the original in the source file, as a old layer).
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