A free Krita workshop at Capitole du Libre 2024
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✏️ Mark your calendars!
In just two weeks, I’ll be offering a free Krita workshop (in French) at Capitole du Libre 2024. This session will be a perfect blend of exploring Krita’s features and sharing valuable drawing tips.
I can’t wait to see you there and create together! 🎨 :krita:
More info: https://cfp.capitoledulibre.org/cdl-2024/talk/KLHKLR/
the two requirements are 1. You need to attend Capitole du Libre 2024 and 2. Understand French. Even if you already use Krita, there might be something new to learn from this free workshop.
@textovervideo Haha, yes. 😅 🥖 🧀 🍷
What if I don’t understand french but I know some spanish and excessive graphic program functions?
h/j unless you have seats up in the nosebleeds or .
Ohhhh wait it’s an IRL event nvm my silliness
@MxVerda @textovervideo Surely, if any of you make the effort to travel to France to attend the workshop, the least I can do is translate my sentence into English and make it double French/English.
2 ★MxVerda@lgbtqia.space
(Argh!) That would be very kind thank you. Unfortunately, I live in the UK. (Lol, end toot.)
I was mainly being silly in my first reply since I assumed it was a livestream event— but now I think about it, I could just buy a cheap french-english dictionary and muddle my way thru, in that case.
But besides the point anyway: thank you! If I win a minor lottery next week, I will attend your talk (and maybe hire a translator or something
@MxVerda @textovervideo I see, no problem. (and still, I wish you win the lottery).
I'll see if I can organise a livestreaming worshop in English after that one.Nothing promised if I don't post about it, but I'll study seriously if I can make it work.
8 ★MxVerda@lgbtqia.space
@textovervideo 🙀 :neocat_hyper:
I'll be there too ! Look for me at the @Framasoft booth, most of the time... Seeya there !
@denkodama 💜 :blobcheerbounce: Cool!
(And it's a shame your workshop is at the same time as mine, because I really wanted to see yours. 😑 )
That's actually an error, i'm not part of that one ; I'll be co-conferencing with Antoine saturday at 11:30 though
@denkodama Good news! I'll be there. 💜
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