Photos of Raptus Comic Convention 2024 in Bergen

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Hey, I safely made my trip back to the south of France after a couple of day in Bergen, Norway, for the Raptus Comic book convention where I was a guest.

I had a very good time and signed many Pepper&Carrot books and drew almost non stop, meeting many of you.

Again a big thank you to the one who also traveled to Raptus to meet me. 💜

Sadly, I forgot to shoot the drawings I made and I don't have a lot of photos to share here but here is a small sample I can share with you.

First, I was super happy to find Pepar & Gulrot at the book store, it's always impressive to me to see the books there, ready to browse, especially in another country like that.

I also took a touristic morning, walking on the port of Bergen and I tried to make a watercolor. I couldn't detail this one as I wanted because it sudently started to rain right after I painted in overlay the gray cloud in the top-left corner. Bergen is a lovely city, I totally would recommend it to anybody looking for a nice city to visit (big bonus for the funicular and its amazing top view on the city).

Here is a montage of photos sent by the Raptus festival, You can see Thierry Capezzone, Miguel Diaz Vizoso, Paolo Mottura ; it was super nice to meet them and share the festival with them. Also, a big thanks to the team of volunteers who made this convention possible, I had super interesting discussions with them.

I also could meet in real life Karl Ove Hufthammer, one of the two translators of Pepper&Carrot in Nynorsk and beta readers of episodes since years. I also met Kazima Sjøvoll , my publisher at Outland Forlag. Here is a photo of Kazima, Karl and me:

Finally, I want to thanks a lot Susilune and Elisabeth who gave me fan-arts of Pepper&Carrot. I love them!

All in all, I really hope I'll be able to return to this comic convention in the future. I had a really good time. 🙂