Raptus comic convention in Bergen, Norway
Hello, I am thrilled and honored to announce that I will be attending the Raptus comic book convention in the beautiful city of Bergen, Norway from the 13 to 15 September 2024. As a French comic book artist, it is both exciting and humbling to have the opportunity to share my work with a new audience and connect with other artists and fans from around the world.
None of this would have been possible without the comic publisher Outland Forlag and their publication of Pepper&Carrot in Norwegian Nynorsk and especially also without Arild Torvund Olsen and Karl Ove Hufthammer who contributed to make a high quality translation on the Pepper&Carrot website. So a big thank you to them as well as to the Raptus organization for inviting me as a guest.
If you are in the Bergen region or nearby, I would be delighted to invite you to join me at the convention. It's also a fantastic opportunity to discover new comic books and meet talented artists. I can't wait to meet you and share my passion with you all!
My schedule:
Saturday: 17:00 – “Lets talk about European comics”, I'll be part of a panel about creating comics in Europe.
Sunday: 13:00 – David Revoy: Pepar & Gulrot , an interview on stage about the comic and my other works.
Sunday: 14:00 – Signing session.
More info: https://www.raptus.no/en
#opencomic is the objective ★
Good luck with your operation. Unfortunately, I won't be close, but I support your work.
😍 Du er heldig!
@David Revoy Oh wow! That's awesome! Always wanted to go there, but it never works out, unfortunately. Not this time either, but hope you enjoy the festival and your stay in Bergen! It's a beautiful city. ★
Bravo et merci pour vos oeuvres , votre ouverture , et l'ensemble de votre travail , ainsi que vos contribution au monde libre. 😉
Merci merci !
so cool ! J'ai bien envie d'aller en Norvège un jour. Y a des aurores boréales là-bas, hein ?
@yrdael Oui, j'imagine, ça doit être très jolie. 😊
I'm looking forward to your panel 🙂
I'm a little sad that it's been scheduled on Sunday, since I have to travel quite the way to get there, but I guess I'll manage.
@theremin Hey, thank you for traveling for the event!
I am right outside Bergen the week before. Unfortunetly I don't think I can make it 🥴
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