@spots1000 Thank you! I wish I had good or inspiring tips for how I practice I could give that is condensed enough to fit here, but I don't.
But I'm working on something: I want one day to make a tutorial (series?) dedicated about just pure drawing. I'm still also trying to solve the "how to record myselft" while speaking issue. First test (accelerated, timelapse) were published last autumn https://peertube.touhoppai.moe/w/5vLwHLtoPTW9VMzfj8mjag
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org The video is very cool! I think even watching a time lapse is educational. I'll keep an eye out for more vids from you in the future!
@bartholin@spots1000 I think the motivation for me is just to kill the time in a interesting way for the sketchbook. Also, the A5 format with a ballpoint-pen directly ready inside, is a good low friction action to just open it and get started. During breakfeast, anytime, etc..
@marnic Une idée générale, oui; mais ça change constamment aussi en cours de route; si une ligne va pas bien ou je veux (et ça arrive super souvent) je camoufle l'erreur avec de la nouveauté et donc je réadapte le projet à la volée. J'ai un peu près le même fonctionnement quand je bricole: le projet initiale est souvent différent du résultat qui est "close enough" de l'idée de départ 😅
@MikeH 🤣 True. Also, I drew this one during a heat wave and my ballpoint-pen ink had in result a super large line with low viscosity for the ink; I probably also felt a bit like Pepper on this drawing too because I couldn't sketch thinner lines and I had to trace line quick to not get too many blobs of ink
@MikeH incredible work, as usual, from the polished and finished works to the sketches (for some reason I adore sketches, it's lovely seeing the quicker linework...)
@elzen 😺 Mea culpa I almost forgot about it. Maybe it's something I should continue but with ballpoint-pen only to go faster; going full color on my side was a mistake 😅
About the ink and the mistakes, my approach about it (because I do a lot of them) is just to somehow find a way to transform the "bad line" into something creative (a part of the background, a dark shadow, a crosshatching) or just draw in bolder in the same place the better line and the bad one just appear as a 'sketch hesitation'.
How to use this? (click here to unfold) Open a new Mastodon account on the server of your choice. Then, Copy/Paste the adress above in your Mastodon 'Search' field. The post will appear and you'll be able to fully interact with it. You'll have full control of your posts: edit, remove, etc. After that, your message will appear here.
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@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org Wow these are amazing, your likes are so clean and your perspective is great! How do you practice?
@spots1000 Thank you! I wish I had good or inspiring tips for how I practice I could give that is condensed enough to fit here, but I don't.
But I'm working on something: I want one day to make a tutorial (series?) dedicated about just pure drawing. I'm still also trying to solve the "how to record myselft" while speaking issue. First test (accelerated, timelapse) were published last autumn https://peertube.touhoppai.moe/w/5vLwHLtoPTW9VMzfj8mjag
I hope I'll be able to produce this one.
10 ★spots1000@woem.men
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org The video is very cool! I think even watching a time lapse is educational. I'll keep an eye out for more vids from you in the future!
@spots1000 how to find the motivation to draw everyday (I am very lazy and I cannot draw)
@bartholin @spots1000 I think the motivation for me is just to kill the time in a interesting way for the sketchbook.
★Also, the A5 format with a ballpoint-pen directly ready inside, is a good low friction action to just open it and get started. During breakfeast, anytime, etc..
Tu dois avoir une vision très précise en tête de ce que tu va coucher sur le papier.
@marnic Une idée générale, oui; mais ça change constamment aussi en cours de route; si une ligne va pas bien ou je veux (et ça arrive super souvent) je camoufle l'erreur avec de la nouveauté et donc je réadapte le projet à la volée. J'ai un peu près le même fonctionnement quand je bricole: le projet initiale est souvent différent du résultat qui est "close enough" de l'idée de départ 😅
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org Pepper doesn't look all that keen on her horned helmet.
@MikeH 🤣 True. Also, I drew this one during a heat wave and my ballpoint-pen ink had in result a super large line with low viscosity for the ink; I probably also felt a bit like Pepper on this drawing too because I couldn't sketch thinner lines and I had to trace line quick to not get too many blobs of ink
@MikeH incredible work, as usual, from the polished and finished works to the sketches (for some reason I adore sketches, it's lovely seeing the quicker linework...)
@jesu @MikeH Thank you!
@MikeH :) ★
Wanna fight? This is my best... 😅😇
Wonderful drawings
🖼️ original ★davidrevoy
@AAMfP Fight accepted! :blobcheerbounce:
thank you! )
Talking about a drawing fight… is the #ComicsBattle over? 😇 ★
@elzen 😺 Mea culpa I almost forgot about it. Maybe it's something I should continue but with ballpoint-pen only to go faster; going full color on my side was a mistake 😅
2 ★elzen@fadrienn.irlnc.org
Well, IIRC @gee gave you the perfect occasion to drop colours last time 😇 ★
Is that cook smoking a cigarette? (In that case I don't want to eat anything they've cooked)
@irina he he 😆
3 ★It's a toothpick! 🙂
I adore your work (and I envy it). 🥰
@athena_rising Thank you!
Love your work!
Awesome work!
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org this is amazing! :neofox_heart:
what i still don't know is how do y'all deal with mistakes when working with ink :neofox_think:
@lazylemur Thank you 🙂
About the ink and the mistakes, my approach about it (because I do a lot of them) is just to somehow find a way to transform the "bad line" into something creative (a part of the background, a dark shadow, a crosshatching) or just draw in bolder in the same place the better line and the bad one just appear as a 'sketch hesitation'.
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org ah that makes sense. clever!
superbe hachures, j'aime bien ce type de travail des volumes bravo 😁
🙇 all the drawings are beautiful and the teapot home is fantastic
J'ai apercu une maison Teapot, modelee a partir de la forme de la lune.
Addresse: 418 rue du web (la route est longue, mais ...)
ballpoint pen is an amazing tool, but underated. 🙌
Tu as un talent que j'ai toujours voulu avoir et que je n'aurai jamais.
Aucune jalousie de ma part mais un profond respect.
I just saw your work today. Boosted, Faved, Bookmarked and Followed. Astonishing. Bravo (italian version 👏 )
@randal_silversword Thank you!
et tout ça avec un bic messieurs dames !
Ces perso sont magnifiques, frais et vivants.
★Je suis trop fan ;-)
@marctapages merci! Ha oui, j'ai pas encore trouvé mieux que le Bic crystal.
Oh god, the elephant! I love it!
@Amygdala thank you!
Give a dragon a fish, it will eat for about eighteen seconds. Teach a dragon to fish, you'll have dragons raiding your pond for a lifetime.
@linebyline 😺 True!
This kind of sketchbook is why I don't want to buy one xD This is soooo good!! 🤩😍 Mine will be damn chicken scribbles 😂😭
The stove page is just 🤯
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