are there even warranties in fantasy worlds. I mean if sword or armor were defective you would pay with your life right? No claims can be made from the dead....
@Barbablu I am just imagining... The only goddess I would ever see is likely Aqua from Konosuba :blobcatjoy:
She would only be like: "Boo hoo you messed up you low-life" or some similar insult and then would likely waver some "agreement" I signed when I got to fantasy-world the first time and in the fine-print says something like: "She is not liable to any damages caused by reincarnating into another world. No warranty and no taksie-backsies, but you do get a cool cheat skill in return so :apartyblobcat: "
As far as your isekai-title goes... By now I think you could write something like this :blobcatjoy:★
okay, there's one thing that my perfectionist's brain just can't get over! On the left two panes there's a short part of the blade sticking out of the hilt, but on the right two panes it's not there. So I can't figure out which kind of damage it is: did the blade break apart or did it fall out of the hilt?
P.S. I'd probably be working at this place you drawn, right?
@isagalaev Ah! Now I see your point. But we don't know all about the feature of the sword. ;) It might have been "on" before (on the way) and at the table it could be turned "off".
Anyway, I love the comics and the style and the open source / FLOSS approach as well. Well done, !
I added the little tip of broken sword to the guard; I'll update it on my blog. Probably not here because it would ping everyone in notifications who interacted with the comic, and I would have to add an 'edit reason' that's probably a little too long for a details.
"How does one 'turn off' a sword?" "you put it in its scabbard" "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT I HAD TO DO TO TAKE IT BACK OUT??" "So... you have tried?" "YES I $&%#ING HAVE TRIED!"
et ben bravo, je vais m'endormir avec le générique dans la tête ....
Et bravo surtout pour ces belles cases (je suis surtout fan de la première à l'ambiance guillerette et ensoleillée et mystérieuse à cause de l'ombre en premier plan)
Reminds me of a joke, there are a chemist, an engineer and a SW engineer in a car, suddenly the car refuses to start .. The chemist goes "must be a problem with the fuel, we should change it" .. The engineer goes "must be a problem with the engine, something needs to be fixed" .. The SW engineer goes "Let's try to exit and re-enter the car again maybe it'll start" ..
How to use this? (click here to unfold) Open a new Mastodon account on the server of your choice. Then, Copy/Paste the adress above in your Mastodon 'Search' field. The post will appear and you'll be able to fully interact with it. You'll have full control of your posts: edit, remove, etc. After that, your message will appear here.
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Typical, they think you're stupid cuz most clients are stupid. Yeah, sure.
My favorite part is the price tags :)
got out alive, that's something to be happy about anyway ;-)
If the sword is from Microsoft, what the dwarf says will work.
I half expected the help desk to be a mimic
@WhyNotZoidberg I agree, the mimic has to be back, and a running joke.
On one of my early scenario for this one, I had the "I want to see your manager" and then the dragon being the manager. 😆
3 ★
@WhyNotZoidberg Conflict of interest? Sure, but who are you going to report it to? HR? Guess who's in charge of that department!
@linebyline @WhyNotZoidberg 🤣 🤣
are there even warranties in fantasy worlds. I mean if sword or armor were defective you would pay with your life right? No claims can be made from the dead.... ★
@stefan hehe 😂 The survivor bias.
You have to report to the goddess of the next you are reborn.
“The world I was reborn in, I sued for liabilitie!”
(No rights reserved(by me😅))
@Barbablu I am just imagining... The only goddess I would ever see is likely Aqua from Konosuba :blobcatjoy:
She would only be like: "Boo hoo you messed up you low-life" or some similar insult and then would likely waver some "agreement" I signed when I got to fantasy-world the first time and in the fine-print says something like: "She is not liable to any damages caused by reincarnating into another world. No warranty and no taksie-backsies, but you do get a cool cheat skill in return so :apartyblobcat: "
As far as your isekai-title goes... By now I think you could write something like this :blobcatjoy: ★
★Some job openings as necromancer-attorney at law.
Have you been maimed, savaged, clawed, murdered? You are entitled to compensation.
okay, there's one thing that my perfectionist's brain just can't get over! On the left two panes there's a short part of the blade sticking out of the hilt, but on the right two panes it's not there. So I can't figure out which kind of damage it is: did the blade break apart or did it fall out of the hilt?
P.S. I'd probably be working at this place you drawn, right?
@isagalaev Here you go . . . the panel before (enjoy!):
@SteveTux I've seen that one. It does feature the blade stub, but it just adds to one side of the inconsistency. :-)
Ah! Now I see your point. But we don't know all about the feature of the sword. ;)
It might have been "on" before (on the way) and at the table it could be turned "off".
Anyway, I love the comics and the style and the open source / FLOSS approach as well.
Well done, !
@SteveTux @isagalaev Thank you Ivan for the feedback and thank you Steve!
I added the little tip of broken sword to the guard; I'll update it on my blog.
Probably not here because it would ping everyone in notifications who interacted with the comic, and I would have to add an 'edit reason' that's probably a little too long for a details.
Thanks again!
@isagalaev You are welcome. :)
★Thanks for noticing and reacting.
my mind is at peace now, thank you :-)
Try sheathing and unsheathing.
"I don't see the problem, my sword is working"
★ and then help desk check the actual uptime of the sword and find you've lied to them. Source, I am IT helpdesk.
@amoonrabbit Haha 😆 😆
my quality montage
🖼️ 8835589a700945b8.jpg ★davidrevoy
@raspbeguy 😍 Thank you Raspbeguy!
"How does one 'turn off' a sword?"
"you put it in its scabbard"
"So... you have tried?"
@FrankHghTwr 🤣
I wouldn't be surprised if it actually works.
@gorizord 🤣
almost expected this to be loss ngl
Putain j'ai ri !
★Merci 😁
Maybe she can install Linux on her sword to make updates when she wants to do them 😁 ★
et ben bravo, je vais m'endormir avec le générique dans la tête ....
Et bravo surtout pour ces belles cases (je suis surtout fan de la première à l'ambiance guillerette et ensoleillée et mystérieuse à cause de l'ombre en premier plan)
@marctapages Merci! 😊
"But the switch is in the darnged hilt!"
"Sure sure, have you tried using the alternate voice command?"
"Voice... command?"
"You heard it right!" (Whistles loudly, a buff ironsmith comes and starts smacking the sword together with a hammer)
still supporting on Patreon! My son & I love your work! Cheers ^_^
@ArcaneCluster Thank you very much 😍
"Sorry, we can't open a ticket until you've tried installing the latest updates."
Swords come out of a rock. Have you tried pushing it in and pulling it out again?
A good one :awesome:
I really like these short strips you've been making! And yeah this solution does work for me most of the time too, but not with swords sadly XD
Other answers: RTFM! Update to the next version! or Oh no, not again!
Also CC to (instance not yet on my allowlist and therefore likely not notified):
★Just shared
with fellow students today.
Why do the other swords don't have a 🙂 on their crossguard?
@andre Haha, good point. I forgot to do it! Maybe they need to get enchanted by an Install Wizard. 🧙♂️ 😆
I currently research the sword type. Closest I can find is a Scottish Claymore.
Perhaps the hero receives an alternative one during repair? seems fitting, given the last comic.
(Is the blade challenging there?)
The main „culprit” is that most swords get thinner to the tip over the whole length.
It also depends on the use (hack or stab) which influences the crossguard and how many hands are required to wield it. Preference for two here.
Testing the sword be like:
Reminds me of a joke, there are a chemist, an engineer and a SW engineer in a car, suddenly the car refuses to start .. The chemist goes "must be a problem with the fuel, we should change it" .. The engineer goes "must be a problem with the engine, something needs to be fixed" .. The SW engineer goes "Let's try to exit and re-enter the car again maybe it'll start" ..
hello David, just a small fix to the alt-text of your image: in the description there are two "panel 3" instead of a "panel 3" and a "panel 4" 🙏
@cbrocas Thank you!
I'll port that in the metadata of my file for the future official MiniFantasyTheater website coming soon. 👍
(I'll not edit the post here, because it would reping everyone who interacted with it on their notifications, noisy 😅 )
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