@Seirdy They'll get away with it, perhaps with their egos slightly bruised and their clothes slightly burned in the intense escape that should arrive in panel 5. 😉
@ArneBab I mean, if that's false, i mean, you can't place all the people on the same sack, that's a fact, but, generally speaking, how come a lot of women (From the US) are expecting to have the accountability of a child?
@raghukamath I've started with #Debian 8... I can't tell how it was before but I've been satisfied with it from the first day Since Debian 8 I've only tried KDE Neon for a while but it was too unstable & bloated for me, then back to a Debian and happy again :ablobcatrave:
Even more, since I came back to Debian, I've learnt to install my Debian in terminal mode (no desktop) and then proceed to install of a minimal KDE desktop to avoid to have all KDE stuff I don't use and don't want :ablobcatcoffee:
@odysseywestra Outch! I understand. I'm not a player of the franchise myself, but I followed what happened over the last years by following video published by gaming channel on the topic.
Yeah, sometimes I think they do it on purpose too. It can be rough since I mainly play tank and I have a hard time keeping up. I just want to play the heroes I like and not get into this counter play BS that going on.
I have to endure #Windows as my old #Linux machine got irrepairably broken and I don't have time to reinstall everything on #Linux. Anyway maybe I'll reinstall it next week so I can leave it for good
@ntoyohito Oh yes, I literally learned to draw in the 80s/90s by copying Dragon Ball. It's part of my root, and I'm really proud when someone notice the large influence he had on my work. Thank you.
In the video you also mentioned your 8BitDo Zero 2 and a keypad. Do they replace a full-sized keyboard for you or do you use them with a full-sized keyboard?
In 2015 a German basketball team had problems with a Windows update during a match. Sadly because of that update they hadn't scored enough to stay in the league: arstechnica.com/information-te…★
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Just ask the dragon if it needs headpats
This is a good strategy. Who doesn't want a dragon friend
will they be okay though? :chick_pleading:
needs a sequel
@Seirdy They'll get away with it, perhaps with their egos slightly bruised and their clothes slightly burned in the intense escape that should arrive in panel 5. 😉
9 ★Ray_Of_Sunlight@mastodon.social
And this, kids, wis why Windows kinda sucks.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight not only windows … sadly.
What sucks is when those who break something don’t take responsibility to fix it.
Sadly they are hipper than the ones who don’t, because they move faster.
@ArneBab Lack of accountability? Sounds like come out from western women.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight no, what you say is bullshit. This has nothing to do with west vs east and nothing with men vs women.
@ArneBab I mean, if that's false, i mean, you can't place all the people on the same sack, that's a fact, but, generally speaking, how come a lot of women (From the US) are expecting to have the accountability of a child?
@Ray_Of_Sunlight this does not match my experience at all — neither with women in tech nor with women in general.
Rather the opposite: they aren’t the ones arguing to move fast and break things.
So continue with that misogynism (via generalized badmouthing of women, whatever your experience in your life) and this discussion is ended.
@ArneBab Explaining it's not worth it at this point. No matter how kuch i try. 🤦♂️
@Ray_Of_Sunlight and blocked.
we won't tell on which OS the sword was running on :ablobcattrash:
@grum999 🤫 😊 Yes.
2 ★By the way, the new one :debian: is just perfect. 😉
it has always been perfect :ablobcatcoffee: :blobcathappy:
@grum999 I think the old one was too cutting edge 🙂
@raghukamath I've started with #Debian 8... I can't tell how it was before but I've been satisfied with it from the first day
Since Debian 8 I've only tried KDE Neon for a while but it was too unstable & bloated for me, then back to a Debian and happy again :ablobcatrave:
Even more, since I came back to Debian, I've learnt to install my Debian in terminal mode (no desktop) and then proceed to install of a minimal KDE desktop to avoid to have all KDE stuff I don't use and don't want :ablobcatcoffee:
that's why nothing i use is updateable (crunchbang on laptop, heavily modded cyanogenmod on phone…)
A fear that was unknown before the digital age.
Oh, that's why the Master Sword breaks... 😹
I’ve been annoying people for years by linking „volatile software“, „avoid soft trauma“ and „volatile infrastructure“.
I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand that an update must not break what worked before.
Except that those who break things move faster, so they are celebrated as disruptors.
@ArneBab Thank you for the collections of links, I'll read them carefully! 👍
One of them is mine (volatile infrastructure).
As an Overwatch player... that was punch in the gut...
@odysseywestra Outch! I understand. I'm not a player of the franchise myself, but I followed what happened over the last years by following video published by gaming channel on the topic.
Yeah, sometimes I think they do it on purpose too. It can be rough since I mainly play tank and I have a hard time keeping up. I just want to play the heroes I like and not get into this counter play BS that going on.
The other side of the blade has a sticker that says "warranty void if removed from scabbard."
@jargoggles 🤣
poor girl… her sword didn’t deserve this.
I have to endure #Windows as my old #Linux machine got irrepairably broken and I don't have time to reinstall everything on #Linux. Anyway maybe I'll reinstall it next week so I can leave it for good
Throw the pommel at the dragon, then run for it!
@linebyline ☺️ Good strategy!
★Hehehhehhe. This is straight of life xD Also this char has Toriyama style all over 😍
@ntoyohito Oh yes, I literally learned to draw in the 80s/90s by copying Dragon Ball. It's part of my root, and I'm really proud when someone notice the large influence he had on my work. Thank you.
That was me this morning as I was late to a zoom meeting as windows did a blue screen followed by a firmware update. Grrr!
@ELSimms Oh no. 😆
File under 😂/😡
OMG! That's me today. They forced me to use new teams while forcing me to update Windows. Nothing worked correctly and I eventually had a blue screen.
très, TRÈS heureux d'avoir abandonné Windows
way toO often
Love your art!
I always wanted to ask, what hardware do you use for drawing? Just looking for a portable device for drawing for my wife :)
@Shatur Thank you! Right now, I'm using this tablet since end 2023 (that I love) https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1004/xppen-artist-pro-16-gen-2-review-on-gnulinux , and running on this PC configuration https://www.davidrevoy.com/article806/review-my-digital-painting-workstation-pc-on-gnu-linux (on Debian KDE 12).
I'll share later today an article about my setup updated. 🙂
2 ★Shatur@mastodon.social
Awesome, thank you a lot!
In the video you also mentioned your 8BitDo Zero 2 and a keypad. Do they replace a full-sized keyboard for you or do you use them with a full-sized keyboard?
@Shatur They do not replace a full keyboard, but they help at getting a better access. https://www.davidrevoy.com/article989/how-to-customise-a-usb-numeric-keypad-under-gnulinux , I use a lot the small 8Bitdo one, you can see it in yellow here https://www.davidrevoy.com/data/images/blog/2024/debian-kde/2024-05-30_01_thumbnail.jpg (a photo I just posted, very fresh). It's more a favorite collection of shortcut.
Thank you! I have 8BitDo Micro, it's very similar, will try to configure it for Krita :)
this is why I set my swords to only security updates and only when I initiate the updates :)
Full updates wait until safely back at camp enjoying some peace and quiet
@lufthans 😺 😺 😺
@lufthans True facts. This is also a reason I insist on Linux swords.
Very sporting dragon, tho.
@PJPaints what i was saying hahaha
In 2015 a German basketball team had problems with a Windows update during a match. Sadly because of that update they hadn't scored enough to stay in the league: arstechnica.com/information-te… ★
@heluecht Oh, Right, i almost forgpt. 😂😂
Did someone at crowdstrike take some inspiration from this?
@slatian 🤣 hehe, true. I thought about it. I posted this one maybe a month or two too early 😺
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