@tennoseremel Hey, Tennoseremel, thanks again for the help with proofreading it on our channel! Ver sharp eyes; true, that's something I forgot to add this little spiky decoration on panel 4 nearby her clivage. Now I wonder if I should leave it this way or fix it. Maybe I'll fix it (but I'll not update the artwork/toot here, to not ping everyone's notification) 😊
@Ray_Of_Sunlight There's an "accessory to murder" joke floating just out of reach. (I mean, the queen wouldn't be an accessory, she'd be the murderer, and the hammer would be the murder weapon. So it doesn't really work. But I was *almost* funny, and that counts for something.)
And yeah, I do wish more of the reality-rejecting cartoon villains would stay fictional. :(
@tusooa There is so much interesting background story possible to develop around a magic mirror. I like to think about it like a Djinn who was imprisoned into a mirror and not into a magic lamp. But true: maybe breaking the mirror would release the Djinn, an unwanted outcome.
That reminds me of the character Gaunter O'Dimm on the Witcher 3 game (Heart of Stone DLC), one of the best written character I saw in a video game who is named 'master mirror'.
@TranshumanBlues Oh nice! I still have to play this one, I'm still in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" since probably more than a year (probably after 2 years on Nier Automata).
I'm really really slow to complete this type of game as I play a little bit weekly, often on saturday evening if my todo list allows me it. But Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely on my list. I'll try to remember about the mirror. :)
Elle a fait plusieurs détournements de ce genre, oui. Elle publie ses œuvres sur l’ex-🐦 ( @ G_R_S__ ) et Reddit, mais il y en a certaines qui sont très 🔞.
Après, il y a sa série originale avec “Emo-girl”, une jeune fille dépressive. Mais c’est très mignon, en vrai.
@collectifission Yes, I saw this one, good one! 😆 (I always try to search other webcomic strips within the theme my scenario is, so I can avoid to accidentally reinvent the wheel...)
@collectifission I always read ‘fairest’ not as physical beauty but of justice and temperament. Snow White was fairer than the queen. It is another way to read or think of the story. It’s possible the queen sought to be seen for beauty only, but there was another whose beauty was more profound. Less shallow.
@JoBlakely@collectifission well not because it was working on the queen before and the second fairest person on a kingdom don't ask a hunter to kill a child and ask for the heart as proof
@andre that would be interesting, I have to say, recent (thousands of years of) history have not seen a lot of ecclesiastical or religious authorities in the hands of women in their own right.
In fantasy, too, while women in positions of regal and magical power have been frequent, I don't recall any story where women have religious authority.
How to use this? (click here to unfold) Open a new Mastodon account on the server of your choice. Then, Copy/Paste the adress above in your Mastodon 'Search' field. The post will appear and you'll be able to fully interact with it. You'll have full control of your posts: edit, remove, etc. After that, your message will appear here.
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@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org Nice :rofl: one of your own drawings?
@NSFW Thank you. Yes.
Wait, she did change her dress too. It is mostly the same, but not the same :blobcatcoffee:
@tennoseremel Hey, Tennoseremel, thanks again for the help with proofreading it on our channel! Ver sharp eyes; true, that's something I forgot to add this little spiky decoration on panel 4 nearby her clivage. Now I wonder if I should leave it this way or fix it. Maybe I'll fix it (but I'll not update the artwork/toot here, to not ping everyone's notification) 😊
2 ★tennoseremel@lor.sh
I think you should leave it as it. It’s more amusing that way, IMO 😸
★Nah, just assume she got changed while searching for the hammer :D
Yeah, if by "accessory" means threatening with death, of course it'll be convincing, but this also shows how some people are.
Thwy reject the truth because they don't like it, and get mad when they get lied to.
Simply, no consistency.
@Ray_Of_Sunlight Yes, that's what this comic strip shows. Denial and then using force to adjust reality.
2 ★Ray_Of_Sunlight@mastodon.social
Sounds like thr US for me, but who knows? 😂
@Ray_Of_Sunlight There's an "accessory to murder" joke floating just out of reach. (I mean, the queen wouldn't be an accessory, she'd be the murderer, and the hammer would be the murder weapon. So it doesn't really work. But I was *almost* funny, and that counts for something.)
And yeah, I do wish more of the reality-rejecting cartoon villains would stay fictional. :(
"How to shorten a fairy tale"
@aurochs 🤣 🤣 🤣 Yes.
4 ★Maybe I should make that a series inside Mini Fantasy Theater, like a recurring thing. 🤔
That could be fun!
★Things like:
- "Here, take a bite of this apple"
- "I don't like apples, give me steak!"
@aurochs or:
3 ★(in full summer)
- "Here, take a bite of this apple"
- "Where you got this? Aren't you ashamed to eat fruit out of season?"
So sanctimonious, I love it!! XD XD
Always reminds me why the magic mirror does not have the magic to protect itself. ★
@tusooa There is so much interesting background story possible to develop around a magic mirror. I like to think about it like a Djinn who was imprisoned into a mirror and not into a magic lamp. But true: maybe breaking the mirror would release the Djinn, an unwanted outcome.
That reminds me of the character Gaunter O'Dimm on the Witcher 3 game (Heart of Stone DLC), one of the best written character I saw in a video game who is named 'master mirror'.
3 ★bekopharm@social.tchncs.de
"can't touch this" 🎶
In this case it seems the wicked witch is actually prettier and the mirror is trolling.
@Suiseiseki Hehe 😆
(🤫 I also think this, but I always preferred strong temper and attitude over any aesthetic consideration ☺️ )
maybe the good old hammer could have stopped desaster from happening in snow white :awoothink: ★
it’s so awesome how you make the two recognizable, even though they are so similar.
@ArneBab 😊 Thank you!
There's a magic mirror in Baldur's Gate 3 that also responds well to threats. 🤭
@TranshumanBlues Oh nice! I still have to play this one, I'm still in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" since probably more than a year (probably after 2 years on Nier Automata).
I'm really really slow to complete this type of game as I play a little bit weekly, often on saturday evening if my todo list allows me it. But Baldur's Gate 3 is definitely on my list. I'll try to remember about the mirror. :)
*smashes mirror*
With that kind of accessories... You can convince anyone! 😆
@nicolay_lilicre 😆 Oui, un vrai hack, certes un peu bourrin, à l'honnêteté d'opinion de quelqu'un. 🤣
Ah, an accessory to a crime, yes, ahh, this does change things...
@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org Ah, dark queen with sledgehammer! Prettiness itself!
Pourquoi sa couronne me fait penser aux cornes de Cell (Dragon Ball Z) ? 🤔
Sinon, sans vouloir te vexer, je préfère quand même cette version, faite par GRS, une artiste brésilienne :
🖼️ original 🖼️ originaldavidrevoy
@TritTriton Haha, j'avais eu "bonnet d'âne" mais pas encore Cell. Mais je valide!
Mignonne la version que tu as mis en pièce jointe. Un twist sympa. 😊
Elle a fait plusieurs détournements de ce genre, oui. Elle publie ses œuvres sur l’ex-🐦 ( @ G_R_S__ ) et Reddit, mais il y en a certaines qui sont très 🔞.
Après, il y a sa série originale avec “Emo-girl”, une jeune fille dépressive. Mais c’est très mignon, en vrai.
📎 original ★
@etam 🤣
J'adore l'expressivité des personnages !!
★Excellent travail !
🖼️ original 3 ★
@collectifission Yes, I saw this one, good one! 😆
3 ★(I always try to search other webcomic strips within the theme my scenario is, so I can avoid to accidentally reinvent the wheel...)
@collectifission For most of the last two centuries, this was the age at which women would typically marry. Especially for royalty and nobility.
@whynothugo @collectifission and that's one of the reasons why the strip is funny
@collectifission I always read ‘fairest’ not as physical beauty but of justice and temperament. Snow White was fairer than the queen.
It is another way to read or think of the story. It’s possible the queen sought to be seen for beauty only, but there was another whose beauty was more profound. Less shallow.
@JoBlakely @collectifission well not because it was working on the queen before and the second fairest person on a kingdom don't ask a hunter to kill a child and ask for the heart as proof
@JoBlakely @collectifission well unless this is really a sh*try kingdom
@collectifission the only right reaction to this
I thought at first would have been some tribute to Blind Guardian’s “Mirror Mirror”, but you surprised me and gave me a good laugh 😂
Thank you for your great works!
Hm. Somehow this is more like a mitre than any kind of crown worldwide I could find.
★Where did you draw inspiration from?
Crowns appear to have a combining element in the top centre.
@andre From pure imagination! ☺️ This character and her first designs came directly from this double page of my sketchbook.
#sketchbook #ballpoint
@andre that would be interesting, I have to say, recent (thousands of years of) history have not seen a lot of ecclesiastical or religious authorities in the hands of women in their own right.
In fantasy, too, while women in positions of regal and magical power have been frequent, I don't recall any story where women have religious authority.
@csdummi Perhaps she's an Empress?
ig de la minita?
One little accessory can change your whole life.
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