Goodbye Craig Maloney.
I'm devastated.
I learned a few hours ago that Craig Maloney (aka cmaloney) passed away this morning.
Craig had joined the Pepper&Carrot project in its early days, almost ten years ago. We immediately clicked: his passion for metal, for retro video games, for creation, for Free/Libre and Open Source projects and communities and much more.
He was involved in testing, reviewing and proofreading the beta versions of each episode under construction with pertinence and precision.
On several occasions, he even saved some rather dull story I wrote, becoming the script doctor for episodes.
He knew the series' universe and internal logic so well that he became the official maintainer and writer of the Pepper&Carrot Wiki and had a Pepper&Carrot role-playing game project.
He also helped with translation, proofreading my "Franglais", and had even managed last year's April 1st blog-post.
I had absolute trust in Craig. He was one of the few project moderators to have all the project keys and privileges. His moral compass was invaluable on this project, and helped us through our moments of community storminess. He was the architect behind our Code of Conduct, which he authored in a participatory way by gathering and synthesizing the opinions of contributors. He was one of the two gatekeepers who could kick me out of the project if I crossed the line.
With these words, I hope to make you realize the massive impact Craig had on Pepper&Carrot, visible on every floor of the series's credits.
He will leave a huge void behind him.
And not only here, but for the many projects he was involved with. He made the Internet a better place.
My thoughts and condolences also go out to his wife and family.
Those who want to talk about it are welcome on our instant chat channels or in the comments. And I hope he'll excuse me for violating our Code of Conduct by this end, but...
Fuck cancer
I'll miss you, Craig.
@craigmaloney This is so sad to hear. He was such an integral part of the Pepper & Carrot community. He’ll be missed so much.
I'm sorry for your loss.
★It was really sad to hear that...
We won't forget his efforts and works...
This is so sad. In addition to his important contributions to P&C. Craig was was always positive and shared a lot to us. Unfortunately all his energy wasn't enought to fight this f***** cancer.
5 ★We'll miss you

2 ★
@David Revoy That was really sad news! RIP @Craig Maloney ☕. You will be missed! ★
The world has lost a beacon of light today. Rest in peace Craig.
@craigmaloney 🖤
@craigmaloney triste nouvelle. Malgré les progrès faits ces dernières années c'est toujours une maladie de m*-+*€. Toutes mes condoléances.
Pour éviter qu'il meure une seconde fois avait-il prévu quelque chose pour que son site perdure ?
@JerryWham @craigmaloney Il était très prévoyant, mais je pense que ces dernières semaines l'ont pris par surprise.
Je n'ai pas de détails et j'en sais peu.
J'éspère que ses amis du Michigan User Group sauront guider ses proches dans la conservation de ses travaux.
2 ★

@craigmaloney I never had the opportunity to get in touch with Craig, and don't pretend to have had any relationship with him, but I've seen his name so often in my thirty-ish years around Free Software and Free Culture, and only in the last few years realized how much I've accidentally followed him around.
He'll be greatly missed.
★So sorry to hear about his passing, I heard occasionally on socisl about his fight with cancer, but had no idea how bad it actually was. He'll be greatly missed: (
@craigmaloney Oh no, I’m so sorry. Rest in peace, Craig :(
@aral oh no! Not @craigmaloney
★I’m very sad. My condolences to his wife and family.
Oh wow. I will miss his posts. He seemed like a wonderful person ❤️
@craigmaloney Rest in peace..... so sorry for your loss....
@craigmaloney I’m sorry for your loss 😔
@craigmaloney beautiful memorial, it's good to read about someone who I only knew here but was so obviously a fantastic person. And yeah, fuck cancer.
this is terribly sad 😿
I remember his online presence, but I did not know the extent of his impact on pepper & carrot.
I wish you and all who have also interacted with him in the past to find the strength to allow themselves to grieve — and find their way back afterwards.
And yes: fuck cancer 😠
I am sorry for your loss. Really sad to hear this. @craigmaloney rest in peace.
@craigmaloney Will be missed. @hpr
@ken_fallon @craigmaloney
Very sad news indeed. We knew him through his work on
@ken_fallon @craigmaloney @hpr
He was my friend.
@Ahuka @craigmaloney @hpr I was thinking of airing his last #openmetalcast on hpr as a tribute. If anyone wants to record a short audio tribute and send it to me I can include it in the episode.
@craigmaloney je ne le connaissais, mais le portrait que tu en traces rend hommage à son engagement. Que la terre lui soit légère
@craigmaloney Triste à lire 😔
@craigmaloney 😭
@craigmaloney My condolences
@craigmaloney I hope everyone around him will find a way to keep a piece of mind. If he was so dedicated as a being, let him be inspiring. My heart is with you all.
@craigmaloney I'm so sorry to hear, condolences
@craigmaloney so sorry to hear this and also so late. My condolences to family and friends. ❤️
What a terrible loss 🥺
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