I drew this sketch yesterday and posted it with my mobile [on Framapiaf/Mastodon](https://framapiaf.org/@davidrevoy/101301067471412558 "on Framapiaf/Mastodon" ). I'm re-posting it here today for those who follow the project [via RSS](feed/en/rss "via RSS" ). I'll try to write a little update about the future episode 28 soon. Again thank you for following Pepper&Carrot and have all a good time in the end of year 2018.
Yaaaaaay! Yesterday you made this dream from my [Dream To-Do List](https://www.peppercarrot.com/static7/author#dream "To-Do Dream List" ) come true!
[Fan-art #100](https://www.peppercarrot.com/0_sources/0ther/fan-art/2018-12-04_Carrot-with-all-potions-broken_by_anonymous-9-y-o-boy.jpg "Fan-art #100" ) was sent by the therapist of a nine years old boy with dyslexia. The boy started to get interest in books while reading Pepper&Carrot with the therapist, who then bought the French version of the book during a trip to France. They played together trying to guess the text. She sent me very touching and detailed feedback along with this artwork, and that's why this fan-art feels so special to me :)
Anyhow, If I look at all the fan-arts, they all have a special place in my heart and all have unique backstories.** **So, a special thanks again to all the artists who sent them: Yalyn Vinkindo, Anastasia Mayzhegisheva, Arne, Tharinda Divakara, Coyau, RJQuiraltæ, Cfdev, Kari Lehto, Jesse Chris, Mei Yeom, Mei Yeom, Magda, Uncle night, Tessou, Will, Minh, JRocky, Neotheta, Chalo, Jana Kusch, Tyson Tan, Jana Kusch, Nicolas Artance, Stephan Bored, Aetoras, Burton Benj, Fabian Roque, Joern Konopka, Eirexe, Alca Torda, M1dgard and M1dori, Ismael Rojas, Cj Kolobok, Jay Wenegieme, Lucas Gelves, Bollebib, CupcakeAmande, Bruno Bellamy, Antti Hakosaari, Nikolai Mamashev, Alex Dalt, jean f, Patridb, Alice, Chloe, Baptiste Gavalda, Cmaloney, Raccoon Sama, Uyen Duong, Moochacinno, Ponder studio net, Roderick Gladwish, O J Fidelino, Damar Indra, heki9, Tom Doyle, Lal Kek, Jazambuja, Loentar, Pierre Sanchez, white fox 331, Jules, Schmuzart, Gucun, Sira313, Yalyn Vinkindo, Crecs, Saskia, Valvin, Caio Santos, markpajo, Seth Richard, flutterbest, Alina The Hedgehog, Chloé H, Lenialdz, John Wheel, Lilbooktopus, Ota Sam, SLywnow, Viraelin, Bazza, Nina, SLywnow, Lucie, Fabian Roque, and an anonymous 9-year-old boy!
**You can check the [full fan-art gallery here](https://www.peppercarrot.com/static10/fanart-gallery "full fan-art gallery here" )
(PS: you can still send new ones!)
[M Hudon](https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~hudonm/),[ R Pagés](http://rafapages.com/), [M Grogan](https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~groganma/), and [A Smolić ](https://www.tcd.ie/research/profiles/?profile=smolica) at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) published last September a beautiful paper: "_Deep Normal Estimation for Automatic Shading of Hand-Drawn Characters_" and they decided to use the hand-drawn sources of Pepper&Carrot to run their test and illustrate the paper. I was very flattered to see Pepper and Carrot featured in this well-made study! This research made me think of the ['Illuminate 2D shape' GMIC filter](https://discuss.pixls.us/t/auto-illumination-of-2d-shapes/7733 "'Illuminate 2D shape' GMIC filter" ) we have already in the FLOSS community since May (something I never really played with).
While this new auto-shading method might not be useful for me for shading characters (I prefer to do it myself), it might be super useful for a large scene with crowd, particles (stones, drop of water, magical effect, clouds), or many small objects (like my episode [with hundreds of flying potions](article531/episode-12-autumn-clearout "with hundreds of flying potions" )). In the conclusion, the authors wish to see their method (with more training of the neural network to reach a higher quality) being incorporated into the animation pipelines to increase productivity of high quality series and movies. For sure, these types of tools have a lot of potential.
You can read the full paper as PDF, watch a demo video and see the code (open-source but proprietary license) at this address:
**Link to the full publication:
[https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~hudonm/publication/deep-normal-estimation-for-automatic-shading-of-hand-drawn-characters/](https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~hudonm/publication/deep-normal-estimation-for-automatic-shading-of-hand-drawn-characters/ "https://www.scss.tcd.ie/~hudonm/publication/deep-normal-estimation-for-automatic-shading-of-hand-drawn-characters/" )**
Over the years, the community around Pepper&Carrot has grown a lot. It has grown so much that nowadays the project has [44 members on Framagit](https://framagit.org/groups/peppercarrot/-/group_members "44 members on Framagit" ) (our main tool to manage the translations, renderfarm, website and also many other P&C projects) and our discussion channel on [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23pepper%26carrot "IRC" ) (bridged with channels on [Telegram](https://telegram.me/joinchat/BLVsYz_DIz-S-TJZB9XW7A "Telegram" ), [Riot/Matrix](https://riot.im/app/#/room/#freenode_#pepper&carrot:matrix.org "Riot/Matrix" ) and [Framateam](https://framateam.org/signup_user_complete/?id=gcaq67sntfgr5jbmoaogsgdfqc "Framateam" )) is followed by dozens of contributors from all around the world. This virtual place for Pepper&Carrot's contributors rarely sleeps and there is always someone awake around the globe to chat on it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If I look back at the time when I started the project...this is just unbelievable and great! Thank you all for your presence...
But in the last months, we started to notice situations between contributors. What would we do when someone starts using bad words repeatedly? Some members of Pepper&Carrot's audience are quite young. Who would we contact in case of an act of racism or sexism? How to manage if we would have someone coming to our cool place with bad feelings? How to proceed to moderate this type of situation?
In order to answer these questions, two months ago we decided to start the quest to adopt a Code of Conduct. Craig Maloney (who leads the Pepper&Carrot Wiki, proofreads the English webcomics and helps at script doctoring) took this task upon him and invited the community to interact with his proposal of a CoC on Framagit. The thread, of course, quickly became a long debate and you can still read the archived comments of our internally famous [issue 21](https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/website/issues/21 "Issue 21" ) on Framagit.
But after weeks and probably hundreds of comments, the thread reached consensus and Craig finally pushed our CoC online yesterday. He made it into a very creative work and I advice you all to read it, I'm quoting here one of my favorite paragraphs:
> _"Hereva brings together a myriad of diverse creatures and cultures. Dragon Cows fly overhead, while fierce Phandas lurk in the forests. Spider Admins create a literal web of connectivity, and uplifted ants build rockets to explore their environment. We welcome this diversity in our own community, and bring our own unique backgrounds and preferences to help build this world. We recognize that we are all unique and we respect and celebrate that uniqueness in each of us without diminishing the uniqueness of others. We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all."_
You can read the [full version of our Code of Conduct](https://www.peppercarrot.com/static14/documentation&page=409_Code_of_Conduct "full version of our Code of Conduct" ) in the documentation section of the website. Again, thanks a lot to Craig for writing this text and for the great management during the discussion phase. I'd also like to thank all the contributors who gave feedback on this text. It was mentally exhausting but we still managed to keep discussing with, as Craig put it, exemplary kindness.
Craig Maloney, Midgard, Valvin, and I are now the four moderators of the Pepper&Carrot project and you can [check our profile and contact us on the moderator page](https://www.peppercarrot.com/static14/documentation&page=420_Moderators "check our profile and contact on the moderator page" ). I've always seen unique kindness, peace, and a good mood in the P&C community since the beginning. Let's hope the CoC will help us protect it for years to come!
Here is an artwork commissioned by the French publisher [Glénat](http://www.glenatbd.com/auteurs/revoy-david.htm "Glénat" ) for the book cover of their derivative work—a third book of Pepper&Carrot in French. The book will contain episode 22 to probably episode 29 (I still need to produce episode 28 and 29 for it) and it is planned for Spring 2019. I posted the artwork of the cover last week on social networks. Thank you for the great feedback!
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Today is **#ThankYouPatrons** day and I want to thank all of my wonderful supporters who have made it possible for me to keep working on my dream project: the fully free/libre, open-source, and independent webcomic Pepper&Carrot. Thanks a million for your support!
_Video with a quick description/demo of the brushes._
Here is a small brush bundle with two new presets I developed on the way of production of Pepper&Carrot episodes. I keep creating dozen of new brush on the way but they rarely survive two month or more without receiving tweaks. This two are stable, became favorites for a long period. So it was time to share them!
## Download:
**[2018-11-09_Deevad-duo-brush-preset.zip](https://www.peppercarrot.com/extras/resources/2018-11-09_Deevad-duo-brush-preset.zip "https://www.peppercarrot.com/extras/resources/2018-11-09_Deevad-duo-brush-preset.zip" )**
## Install:
In short: download, extract, open Krita and go to **Setting > Manage Ressources**, press the **Import Bundles** button, and target the extracted bundle file, press Ok, restart Krita. Compatible with Krita 4.0 and up.
## License:
This brushes are licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0" ) to "David Revoy, www.davidrevoy.com". This attribution is necessary in case of redistributing, commercializing, or modifying the brushes. This attribution is not necessary in case of usage (you can paint any artwork you want with it, you still own totally your artwork). This attribution is not necessary in case of doing screenshot/screenrecording of Krita and have the brushes visible.
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Capitole du Libre in Toulouse (France) is approaching, and it's probably not a surprise if I tell you I'll be attending. It's only 40min away by car from where I live, that helps a lot. This time I'll give a 15min talk (+5min open to questions) about 10 tips to keep 'good health' for a FLOSS project. It will be about communication, website, repository and community. A talk (in French) designed for students of the ENSEEIHT, people who are considering starting a FLOSS project or who already founded a big or small FLOSS project. I'll compress my ten years of contributions from various projects (icons, themes, plugins, presets, bash scripts, open-movies and Pepper&Carrot) to extract from it my experiences and tips. I hope to see many of you around Capitole du Libre and I hope it will be helpful for creators!
- **Where:** Toulouse (France), ENSEEIHT, 2 rue Charles Camichel, 31000 Toulouse.
- **When:** Saturday 17 Nov 2018 between 11h00 to 11h20, B00 building (check [the schedule here](https://2018.capitoledulibre.org/programme/#schedule "the schedule here" )).
**More information (French): **
_PS:About Pepper&Carrot autographs, I didn't organize an official signing session at a dedicated booth this year because I don't have a new book :P but if you catch me and you have a comic book on you, I'll have a pencil with me! ... oh, and artworks for Capitole du Libre 2018 I made are all CC BY and soon will be available on the 'Sources→Misc' of the Pepper&Carrot website._
_Digital inking on a Wacom Cintiq 13HD, Krita on Kubuntu 18.04_
Hi! It's October and many artists around the world started [the Inktober challenge](https://inktober.com/faq/ "the Inktober challenge" ). I completed this challenge twice already (you can browse [the artworks of last year here](https://www.peppercarrot.com/static6/sources&page=inks "the artworks here" )). But this year, I decided **I won't participate in the Inktober challenge**: I'll keep working hard on the future episodes of Pepper&Carrot. The future episodes are rather ambitious and I need to maximize my available time for them. **I'm working on a new arc; a trilogy of episodes** happening in the city of Qualicity with Pepper, Coriander and Shichimi as main characters. I named this trilogy _The coronation of Coriander_. So, may that be my Inktober challenge: deliver episode 27 before the end of the month! Thank you for your patience.
At the end of August and the start of September, a lot of work has been invested into the optimization of the Pepper&Carrot website. The server of the website had CPU issues during all summer and my host was starting to complain about the project on a weekly basis.
But thanks to the big contributions of [Jookia](https://framagit.org/Jookia) and other fixes preventing hot-linking of resources; the website is now consuming less than 1/4 of what it was before. The structure is now ready to welcome more visitors! The number of visitors is increasing month after month and optimization like this is vital for the project. You can read [the history of the fix here](https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/website/commits/master "the history of the fix here" ) to see how it was done. This method will probably be interesting for all owners of PluXML blogs with high traffic!
[](data/images/lab/2018-09-09_screenshot_112336_neti.jpg)
_Illustration: a screenshot from the CPU graph._
In the process, I setup : a version of the peppercarrot.com website to test new code. This test area reflects the source code of the Git website repository [here](https://framagit.org/peppercarrot/website). This tool will help to welcome eventual (new?) contributors curious to work on the P&C website.
That's all, thank you very much for all the visit. You are one of over 10,000 daily readers! If something is buggy, or doesn't render well on your device, please, let me know!
[](data/images/lab/2018-09-05_screenshot_110636_net.jpg)
_I don't have Google Analytics but a tool provided by my host to read the log (Urchin);_
_here is a screenshot of summary_
A couple of month ago, I received an email from [Richard Stallman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman "Richard Stallman" ) who advised me to setup a way to receive donation via bank. That was indeed missing in my alternatives. Bank transfers are protected by banking secrecy and don't require you to sign in a new platform.
Therefore this service is a really good way to send money, especially within Europe where you can transfer without fees, and it is as simple as copy/pasting [my IBAN number](static2/support-alternatives "my IBAN number" ). If you donate this way; don't forget to add your name; I'll write it at the end of the next episode of Pepper&Carrot!