Postcard for homeless by Rock Trust

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 2 comments
Are you living around Edinburgh ? If yes, then it's your chance to get an original pencil artwork of "Pepper&Carrot doing a selfie" ( photo above ) and help a Charitable Organization.

The Rock Trust works to help young people who are homeless across Edinburgh and the Lothians.
To raise money, they organize each years a Post-card exhibition with artworks of volunteers artists. It's the third time I participate.  This year, 170 postcards , and the exhibition already started ! ..   Exact place, hours, and more informations on their blog post .

Read more Postcard for homeless by Rock Trust

Video interviews by

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 6 comments
Hi, I communicate often about comics, artworks, tutorials, but more rarely about who I am. Last week, I had the honor and the opportunity to express myself on two interviews :

✥ First one on : , an article with more informations about my relation to digital-painting, and of course Krita.

✥ The second one is a premiere : a first video interview (in english!) and it was produced by Erik Moeller of and the video is now online on Youtube ( in header of this post, or ) . In this video, we talk about my path as a street-artist, traditional painter then illustrator, till today with Pepper&Carrot. I also talk about license, the future, and many other topics. Thanks you again for the support and thanks Erik Moeller for all his work to produce this video , and Irina of too. And for now, I'm back on drawing episode 08.

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Pepper&carrot derivation: Publishing by NinjaKnightComics

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - no comments
**After two days only, he** **reached his Kickstarter goal**, and the page was picked as a 'KickStarter Staff Pick'. His kickstarter page [had some issue](article479/user-manual#c1432863820-1 "had some issue" ) regarding the respect of the CC-By license _( many thanks for the Pepper&Carrot fans pointing me the page, by email, comments, etc... )_ but Richard sort of adapted the page and now it's sort of OK , I guess. User still think I'm the author, and little things miss here and here. If you want to support NKcomics and get a hardcover or a softcover print of Pepper&Carrot : [Check the NKcomics Publishing Kickstarter page and find out]( "Check the NKcomics Publishing Kickstarter page" )

Pepper&carrot derivation: First printed version by Cfdev

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 6 comments
### 1st publishing in the real-world : [Cfdev]( "Cfdev" ) , a contributor and supporter of Pepper&Carrot, printed a version of episode 1 to episode 6 using the online printing service [Vistaprint]( "Vistaprint" ) . He is now the first owner and creator of a printed comic of Pepper&Carrot. A collector :-) He sent photos to me to show the result ( photo CC-By Cfdev ). His blog post in french about it : ** ** ![](data/images/derivations/print_first-publishing-by-cfdev_01_net.jpg) _the cover_ ![](data/images/derivations/print_first-publishing-by-cfdev_02_net.jpg) _episode 2_ ![](data/images/derivations/print_first-publishing-by-cfdev_03_net.jpg) _episode 6_ ## End-note : And you, have you got a publishing project using Pepper&Carrot sources ? Commercial publishing or free/open projects , feel free to [send me an email]( "send me an email" ) and I'll list your project here !

Pepper&carrot derivation: Animated epub by Antonio Parisi

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - no comments
[Antonio Parisi]( "Antonio Parisi" ) is a contributor ( worked on the Italian version ) and supporter of Pepper&Carrot. He develops a modern ebook version, with support of tiny animations and transitions and bundling all the language into a single Ebook. This version is not suited for older ebook reader ( black&white e-reader with e-ink and low processor performances ). It better suit modern full color tablet, and desktop computer. He host a really beautifull page with the ebook ready to download, if you want to preview them on every computer, Antonio advice [Readium extension]( "Readium extension" ) for Google Chrome/Chromium. To download it , go to : **** And you, have you got a digital-publishing project with Pepper&Carrot sources ? Commercial ebooks or free/open projects , feel free to [send me an email]( "send me an email" ) and I'll list your project here ! _( server can host the files )_

Pepper&carrot derivation: Epub and Pdf by Carlo Gandolfi

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 2 comments
### Carlo Gandolfi's Ebooks version : [Carlo Gandolfi]( "Carlo Gandolfi" ), already a contributor for the Italian translation of many episodes, made a set of ebook with Pepper&Carrot. He exported them in *.epub and *.pdf, and host them on [FreeSMUG]( "FreeSMUG" ) []( "FreeSMUG" ) , a community he founded ( FreeSMUG = Free Open Source Software Mac User Group ). The page propose only English and Italian version at the moment, but more will come soon. Download them here : ** ** ![](data/images/derivations/ebook-illustration_02_net.jpg) And you, have you got a digital-publishing project with Pepper&Carrot sources ? Commercial ebooks or free/open projects , feel free to [send me an email]( "send me an email" ) and I'll list your project here ! _( server can host the files )_

Line-art tips with Krita

WRITTEN_BY David REVOY - - 36 comments
[youtube]xvQ5l0edsq4[/youtube] A new video tutorial about Line-art tips in Krita. The theme was voted by my Patreon heros who support the creation of open tutorials ; Thanks again their support ! I hope you'll like it and I'm open to crits and comments to improve the next ones. _Text version for those who can't hear or turn up the volume :_ ## Intro Hi , my name is David Revoy and welcome to this video about lineart tips or inking tips with Krita 2.9. ## Two preset toggle switch with [/] key When you start inking you'll probably need to switch often between an eraser preset and a ink preset. The fastest way to switch is probably with the numpad 'divide' key on your keyboard. This key toggle switch between your previously selected preset, and your actual one. When you open your artwork , select an eraser preset ; then select directly your inking preset. Now, you can draw, press numpad 'divide' key on your keyboard to switch to eraser, draw again. Note: this technic works with any preset. ## Convert your sketch to bright blue tones If you want a better visibility of your final line-art, while inking over your sketch , you will probably want to turn your sketch to a brighter value. Turning it to a bright blue tones help to better see what you are doing with your line art. There is many way to turn a layer into blue ; but the less destructive and less resource intensive I found is to uncheck the 'Blue' channel in the layer properties, then reduce the opacity. With this method, you also can keep drawing on your sketch layer while inking ; your black or dark color will be displayed automatically as bright blue. Note: This technic works also on groups ## Stabilizer in toolbar I use a lot the stabilizer feature of Krita to smooth my lines. But I often need to turn it off and on while working , and the 'tool option' panel takes too much room on screen to be always displayed. If you right click on your top toolbar, you can configure it ; filter the 'Available actions' with the keyword 'Smoothing' then add the items 'Basic' and 'Stabilizer' to the right panel. The right panel is a vertical representation of your toolbar. Press 'Apply' to preview. You can rename the two feature into 'On' and 'Off' to be shorter on your toolbar. Now you can access to control your stabilization mode with simple buttons. ## Transformations Correcting a proportion or moving a part of your drawing at the inking part is often difficult. You can trasnform your Inking layer, but it's hard to repeat the same action ( especially with complex transformation ) for the layers under. If you group all your layers ; and apply the transformation on the group ; you'll be able to deform all the layer with a single action. If you want to protect a specific layer from the recursive transformation, just 'lock' it before. ## Speedlines You can create amazing speedline effect with Krita. Create another layer ; Select the 'Ruler Assistant Editor' ; display your 'tool option docker' to select 'Parrallel Ruler'. Click on the canvas to create a new widget. Then go back to the brush tool , and in the tool option activate the 'Assistant' checkbox. Now all your lines should be parrallel to your ruler. You can do various line width with your pen pressure. When it's over, delete the ruler widget with the 'Ruler Assistant Editor' tool. You can now transform your line to bring an additional fluid movement to them. Note : You can also paint other type of Speedlines using other ruler. Feel free to explore. ## Conclusion That's all for today, I hope you learnt something with this video. Any help is welcome to improve and grow my channel ; feel free to subscribe, share-it or thumb-up it. If you want to support this type of video tutorial on a regular basis, I invite you to be one of my patrons on Patreon. For anything else, comment bellow , I'll be around. Good bye, and have fun with inking.