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From time to time I receive in my mailbox photos of your projects using Pepper&Carrot sources materials. One project that catch-up my attention is the one of Calvin making real object from Pepper&Carrot drawings. Here is a sample of his orginal email, because I must admit I was unable to reduce the technical details to a single line, and thought his way to explain this photo is better :
> _" [...] Also love that it's open source, i've taken advantage of this to use one of your source files from which i've pulled an image of Carrot [from ep06, where he's standing beside Pepper as the giant zombie bird attacks] i've converted this into an outline i can engrave using my shapeoko 2, which is an open source CNC machine. I then used this to make a simple mold which i used to press a sheet of HDPE which was made from cut up milk bottles melted in a sandwich toaster - sounds complex but it's all surprisingly easy, anyway that results in the thing in the picture, it's only a first test but it worked really well. _
> _The next stage is I'd like to make a mold for creating a more complex item with the design included, the long-term project i'm working on at the moment is to create designs for kids toys which i, and others, can make and sell - all shared open source and etc of course [...] "_
Thanks again for sharing your work !
[FreeSMUG](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/peppercarrot "FreeSMUG" ) founder Carlo Gandolfi is maintaining on the Apple iBooks Store his ebook version of Pepper&Carrot. Here is the offer :
_**" Available as single volume with all episodes on iBooks Store for 1 buck. 1/3 will be donated to the author.
The volume will be upgraded till next 20th episodes, but also the price, 1 buck for each new episode.
So soon you buy less you pay, later you buy more you donate. "**_
A fair solution if you are looking for a e-book that auto-update on your tablet device for the next 10 episodes while donating a little for the work of Carlo as a maintainer, me as an author and the iBook Store as a (eshop ?) .... ( 1/3, 1/3 , 1/3 ).
Here are the links :
EN | DE | FR
[![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_US-UK_110x40_090513.png](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_US-UK_110x40_090513.png)](https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id998827608) | [![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_DE_110x40_090613.png](http://www.freesmug.org/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_DE_110x40_090613.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id999072842) | [![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_FR_110x40_090913.png](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_FR_110x40_090913.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id999708778)
IT | ES | JP
[![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_IT_110x40_090513.png](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_IT_110x40_090513.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id999482641) | [![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_ESLA_MX_110x40_090613.png](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_ESLA_MX_110x40_090613.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id999814622) | [![Download_on_iBooks_Badge_JP_110x40_090513.png](http://freesmug.wikidot.com/local--files/img:appicon/Download_on_iBooks_Badge_JP_110x40_090513.png)](https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/pepper-carrot/id999829065)
_( Note : Carlo maintains the Italian translation and is a very active contributor to the Pepper&Carrot project. Thanks again ! )
Copyright exeption in this page : Apple iBookstore logo in the picture is copyrighted by Apple_
Pepper&Carrot just received a "license update" affecting all artworks, translation, materials previously published as **Attribution 3.0 Unported** (CC BY 3.0) to the updated **Attribution 4.0 International** (CC BY 4.0) [[1]](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ "\[1\]" ) .
### Reasons and motivations:
1. The Free Software Foundation document CC-BY 4.0 as compatible with GPL(s) licenses [[2]](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html#ccby)
2. Creative Commons 4.0 is designed to be more global [[3]](http://creativecommons.org/version4) With the release of 4.0, we’re also introducing official translations of the CC licenses The 4.0 licenses are ready-to-use around the world, without porting."
3. A quick table to compare 3.0 vs 4.0 [[4]](https://wiki.creativecommons.org/images/3/32/Attribution_chart_%28v3_v_d4%29_.pdf) reveals there is no big changes on the form, just more clarity.
**Blending ... whaat?** In digital-painting, you can paint with 'blending modes' applied on your brush. In short ; a blending mode is a math formula telling your software how to mix two colors : the ones on your canvas and the one on your brush. Knowing a set of useful blending modes can assist and ease your work for painting specific rendering.
**Goal : **This video tutorial ( on top ) aims to offer to the digital-painter pratical tips to use blending-modes on his brushes. I'll not show all the blending-mode as other tutorials do. I'll not perform here a cold listing of all blending modes as I saw on other tutorials. I'll also not show formulas and math : it's a painting tutorial. I'll aslo keep the list minimal with five one.
**Where I can find it ? **In Krita 2.9, the blending modes applied to your active brush is displayed on a button in the top toolbar. The default one is named 'Normal' , press this button and you'll get a list. This list contains favorites on top, and subcategories to unfold under. Each blending modes in the subcategories can join the top favorite list by checking the checkbox next to them.
Short summary :
## Color dodge
Light, glows, coronas, lazers, neons ; this is the blending mode I use to manage all my light effect. It has advantage of a stronger saturation and contrast over other brightening blending mode (Linear Dodge, Addition, Screen).
_In Krita : Lighten > Color dodge_
## Overlay
Contrast, vivid, boost colors here is my primary usage of my favorite blending mode : Overlay. Overlay is a conditionnal blending mode : it combine two blending mode in one. If you select a grey 50% ; it will do nothing. But over , and under this grey , Overlay will switch to a brightening or a darkening blending mode. Painting wih dark tones will intensify and vivid the area. It can be used also to boost colors and give an object the first role in your composition. Overlay is also known for it's conveniency on layer to 'overlay' a texture, or a pattern over a surface. 'Soft Light' is a more subtle variation of 'Overlay'.
_In Krita : Mix > Overlay_
Note: fun bug in Gimp since 10 years, 'overlay' is similar to 'Soft light'.
_[edit 12/2015 : It was finally fixed this month in Gimp 2.9! yay! ]_
## Lighten
Lighten is a comparative blending mode. Lighten will paint only if the value on the canvas is darker than the value on your brush. This propriety help me to shift values in the distance, and split different grounds on my artwork.
_In Krita : Lighten > Lighten_
## Color
Changing the color is the obvious mission of the blendings modes 'colors'. I use the color blending mode to do a first pass of colorization over my grisaille. The result is often dull, and greish, but that's easy to fix with another pass of the overlay blending mode. I also use Color (HSY) with grey to desaturate zone, or do hue corrections.
_In Krita : HSY > Color and HSL > Color HSL_
## Multiply
Shadows, stains, dirt, glazing, it's one of the king of the blending mode in digital-painting, the darkening-only one ; Multiply. White is equal to full transparency with multiply.
You can draw with this one on the surface of a shaded object, glaze skin shading to inject a bit of blood under the skin, add dirt or paint big casted shadows.